samedi 20 mai 2017

What You Should Know About Door Frame Reinforcement

By Kathleen Schmidt

There is an increasing trend for people to install security systems or even get a guard dog. These are both very good idea but they are not really ideal ways to make your home more secure. There is also a number of options when it comes to door frame reinforcement. Reinforcements is an idea that is very much worth taking time to consider. The best security method for you to use will vary depending on the type of house that you have.

One of the first things that you should consider are the deadbolt locks as they are a perfect way to make the house safer. These locks are strong and provide a high quality locking system. These locks are very versatile as they can be used on both interior and exterior doors. This style of lock can also be used on garage doors so they are worth having a look at. These locks should be used in conjunction with the normal lock that will already be on the entrance.

The grade one deadbolt locks are the best ones to opt for and these ones feature a five pins and a one inch bit through the middle. These locks do not have external screws and this is what makes them so much safer than normal locks as they can not be removed from outside the home despite the fact that the lock can be seen from outside.These locks add a lot of safety to the house as there is no way that they can be opened unless you are inside the house.

It is a good idea to have a frame and a door that are both sturdy as this will make them more secure. There is no point installing the stronger locks if the door or frame are not sturdy as it will be easy to kick the entrance in and the locks will not do any good in this situation. The first thing which you should do when looking at the security level of the house is to look at the strength of the entrance and frame.

Both the interior and external doors should have a solid frame. When you are looking for a new door it is best to consider ones that are made from solid wood, fibreglass or even metal. Remember that both the frame and the door need to be strong in order to increase the level of security on the building.

Grilles, grates and braces are other things that are worth considering when it comes to making the house more secure. Full length sliding or partial glass doors make look nice but they are not very secure and can be ideal entry point for a burglar.

If you are going to get a new exterior door than it may be worth looking at ones that do not have glass or look at the different deterrents that are available for putting in front of the glass. Reinforced is another thing that is really worth looking at as it can help to make the house safer and then the grill or brace can be put in front of the glass.

Hinges are another important thing that you should carefully look at. Bad quality hinges or broken hinges can make it very easy for the door to be kicked in or the door could easily be removed.

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