dimanche 22 avril 2018

Significance Of Lifes Lessons Learned

By Carl Sanders

When you make up every day heading to class, you are usually aware of all the subjects and topics you are going to learn on that day. This type of a routine has made schooling very easy. However, the schooling that life gives you is usually the most difficult and very challenging. Lifes lessons learned will never seize to exist as they are timeless.

Firsthand experiences are the most difficult thing to forget since you were there. However, when it happened to someone else, then you can easily forget and assume it cannot happen to you. Life has numerous subjects to learn from, and some leave permanent scars that will always be a reminder of what happened. The subjects however they may impact you both positively and negatively.

Parents and guardians are the best when it comes to teaching children the way to live. Almost everything kids go through they went through. Moreover, they probably made the same mistakes that their kids are likely to make. This makes them do everything they can to prevent their children from repeating them. This may be drugs, love, and even financial mistakes. Some have resulted in death, imprisonment or poverty.

Bad choices comes with negative consequences. Things such as drug addiction start just little by little until it reaches a level that you cannot control and becomes the addiction. This kind of addiction whether alcohol or drugs usually is as a result of influence or depression brought by the unjust world.

When you are facing addiction problem, it should be noted that you are not the only one suffering from it. It can happen to anyone since it does not discriminate color, gender or age. It starts simply as an experiment, but it reaches a point where there is no turning back. But with effective detoxification or rehabilitation program, you can come out of it. When you are out of it, you come with experience and testimony that will not allow you to go back.

You should be on the front-line in creating awareness on a bad experience that you had encountered once in your lifetime. This ensures that nobody else falls into the hole that you came out of. And also if its something good that happened, you should be willing to share with other people so that they too can have what you had or better.

Nobody chooses to addicted to something. It comes like a disease when one is not even prepared. Most people will close people out of their lives and live in isolation. When you try to reach out to them, they may be very aggressive. However, all efforts should be put in place to help them recover and become healthy, who will live to tell the tales of what they have been through.

There are very many choices in life and many teachers. You should be careful since some choices will stay with you for the rest of your life. You should make wise decisions.

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