mercredi 22 août 2018

Take Extra Steps To Get Your Little One Ready For Preschool For All Schools San Francisco Learning

By Edward Ward

Teaching toddlers the alphabets and how to count is not a difficult process before they enter a preschool for all schools San Francisco location. In fact, it can be quite fun and entertaining for you and your little one. Most toddlers begin recognizing the alphabets and numbers by the age of two and three. By the age of four and five, they usually can identify all of the letters and some numbers. This means you can start teaching your little one at any time you feel they are up for the challenge.

Take time to read aloud to your child at home. Set aside special times where you and your little one can sit back and engage in books. Point out the alphabets in the book and work with the child on phonics. It is important to teach them how to sound out words.

Use learning props and point out numbers and alphabets. To teach children how numbers and letters look, use alphabet and number books, blocks, refrigerator magnets, and create your own charts with numbers. Stay pointing numbers out to your child. While taking a stroll through the neighborhood, point to numbers on mailboxes or homes. Play number games by counting how many dogs, cats, trees, or people you see on your walk.

Sing fun catchy tunes around the house. Children love to sing and dance around. Sing the "alphabet" song every chance you get to your toddler. Sing it at bed and bath times, or any other time you choose. If you are teaching counting through a song, use songs with lyrics that have numbers in it such as "There Were Ten in the Bed." You can also make up your own songs for learning purposes.

Take your child to the library often. Some libraries have special days just for children. During these special days, there will be someone there to read a book to the children. On many occasions, they have individuals who come out and put on performances for the young at heart.

When you are out and about throughout the day, point out different objects which begin with the alphabet that is familiar to them. Remember to sound out letters to the child in hope of teaching them phonics awareness. Usually, if a child does not learn from an early age to enjoy reading, it could hinder them in years to come in their ability down the road.

Purchase pencils to help your child with their grip when writing. The best type pencils are small short pencils the kind you usually see at contest boxes, bowling alleys, and mini-golf courses. Even short crayons or chalk are great for them to learn how to write.

Most importantly, lead by example. If you want your little one to enjoy reading books, you have to show them your love for books as well. Every chance you get to show them how much you love to sit back and read a book. Make sure you let them know how much you enjoy reading books and explain to them why it is important to read every day.

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