mardi 18 décembre 2018

Mature Women Look To A Senior Beauty Blog For Makeup Tips

By Susan Baker

For decades, it was common to see advertisements for cosmetics and find the model or spokesperson was probably no older than her mid twenties. However, in the past decade or so, this has changed. At one time, it was a big deal to have a model who was obviously in her forties in a glamorous role but now seventy is the new fifty. As more women are learning how to feel better about themselves as they age, they can also look to a senior beauty blog for inspiration about fashion and makeup.

For a long time, cosmetic manufacturers made products that were supposed to create a youthful appearance. However, most of these were just marketing ploys made to prey on those who seemed to be insecure about getting older. If one were to take a look at old print advertisements, sometimes the target age was as young as 30.

If one were in search of inspiration, there are many public figures that are considered glamorous. These women do not let age stand in their way when it comes to running the stage or behind the scenes, as feeling fierce has few limitations. Although some may have had cosmetic work done, there is a new breed of actresses and others in entertainment and politics that wear their age with pride.

There are many regular people who are willing to share makeup tips or do product reviews on streaming video. Like with the younger generation, sometimes feedback from a peer instead of a celebrity is more trustworthy. Since many women in this age range tend to watch their personal spending more than they did in their youth, a quality product is like an investment in self.

More modern beauty blogs are taking a holistic approach to what is really attractive. Emphasizing healthy eating habits, different ways to relax, and finding time to enjoy life is just as important as the latest lipstick shade. Many of these sites also share ways to feel more energized after a long day. While these methods cannot stop the aging process, they can play a strong role in building confidence.

Being able to relax is pertinent to every woman and can play a role in overall health as they progress in age. Taking time to give oneself a facial, soak in a salt bath, or try a new collagen treatment can present incredible results. On these sites, anyone can learn simple beauty tips or try affordable products that will make gradual changes.

So being a mature beauty is simple and it is catching on. Women learn the right shades of cosmetics that enhance certain features while downplaying fine lines and other areas of concern. Sites also give information about products that are easy to use and do not make the face or any other part of the body look unnatural.

Another area that mature beauty blogs cover is fitness. While some women may find it harder to lose the extra pounds as they age, others want to retain their natural muscle tone and restore as much energy as possible, Although the beauty needs for this demographic may be slightly different, the feelgood message is universal.

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