dimanche 7 mai 2017

Factors That Can Bring About Peace And Prosperity In The Middle East

By Maria Gray

There have been various discussions about peace around the world. They aim at bringing cordiality among the inhabitants of the affected countries. Peace and prosperity in the Middle East is vital and has attracted attention from different places. It is majorly due to the fighting that has gotten experienced in these areas. The essentials below can contribute to harmony among the populace.

The liberty of expression makes people free to share their opinions with the relevant authorities. They can thus get their frustrations out which prevent an upsurge of feelings of disapproval. When individuals speak out, they become content that their issues will get addressed. Even though those grievances may not attract much thought from the state, they get satisfaction.

Freedom of religion is also an important part of cordiality. When the public is given the space to practice their faith, they do not feel oppressed. Beliefs in a superior being can make people focus on how they can become better. It is since most of the teachings get directed towards a healthy living with friends and families. However, people ought to get checked so as to avoid extremist guidance.

Freedom from want is the assurance of certain vital provisions like food and shelter among others. A society where people do not have a chance to flourish brings about discontent. The peoples thus become frustrated as they try to make a living. So as to avert this, the government should ensure the country grows economically. All persons can, therefore, have means to live.

A liberty of the environment entails its protection. People depend on the ecological system to survive. Food and water emanate from this natural setup. A protection of the flora is a must so that existence can get guaranteed. An investment in the food production sector with an emphasis on conservation is imperative. A well fed nation tends to be peaceful and committed to progress.

It is vital that the government assures its people safety always. When people feel insecure, they tend to find ways of protecting themselves. They can thus turn to anarchy just to protect their turf. It may start off as a noble thing but later transform itself into a notorious outfit. When unauthorized groups are left to run the security, the government gets deemed as failed.

Education is an important part of growth. When individuals get tutored, they can be able to think differently. They appreciate the changes in the world and can accept to be a part of the global village. Learned persons can come up with inventions that can help their countries. They can also get employed in the various sectors of the economy. Clashes and wars can get reduced to a large extent since their reasoning changes.

The government in any nation has a bigger role to play when it comes to peace and prosperity. It has to show leadership in matters that promote cohesion between the nation and the nation. By encouraging togetherness among the communities, clans and religious factions, harmony can exist. There ought to be altruism in the administration so that development can get realized.

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