jeudi 30 novembre 2017

Understanding Ketogenic Diet Fat Loss

By Helen Moore

Obesity has become a real problem across the world. Researchers including nutritional experts have come up with several ways of dealing with the issue. Some of the ways include regular exercising, eating healthy, surgical methods such as liposuction. Most of these have worked for some people especially for those that are disciplined and patient. Losing weight requires a lot of patient, determination and most of all discipline. Here is information regarding ketogenic diet fat loss.

Ketogenic diet is designed with a different approach. Most diets aim to reduce consumption of foods that are high in calories which includes low carb, low fat and low protein consumption. With this type of diet, it encourages consumption of high fat, moderate protein and low carb foods. The focus is consumption of high fat causes the ketones to be produced by the liver.

When the liver produces ketones the body shifts to utilizing fats instead of glucose. Utilization of fats in turn makes a person lose weight. Going by its success rate most experts are now prescribing it to their patients. Research indicates that significant health improvements have been observed in cancer and epilepsy patients when put on this diet. The reason behind this is that healthy cells derive energy from ketones which they use to fight illnesses.

Foods rich in fats are not healthy for consumption as they cause obesity. When digested they yield a lot of glucose. Presence of glucose leads to secretion of insulin which controls the amount of sugar in blood. Human body functions well when blood sugar is optimal. To curb excess sugar insulin converts glucose into fats. Presence of excess fats manifest in form of obesity.

Exercise has its own way of controlling weight gain. During exercise the body needs a lot of energy which cannot be provided by oxidizing glucose. The human body provides this energy by consuming its fat stores. Obesity is greatly contributed by lack of exercise. Eating healthy foods cannot be replaced by exercise. Food provides the human body with nutrients while exercise does not. A healthy diet is key to keeping weight gain in check. Brains perform better when energized by ketones and glucose.

Glucose does not make the brain efficient as ketones do. This fact eludes a good number of people. Unfortunately, glucose is the major provider of energy to the body. Experts recommend regular exercise to go hand in hand with the diet. Four primary groups of this kind of diet include, targeted, standard, restricted and cyclinical diet. Each is different from the other in term of amounts of daily carb allowed and timing of meals.

For example, taking carbs before or after exercise is no longer important once an individual gets keto adapted. This is because once the body gets adapted to the ketogenic diet it will happily run on the ketones. This will ensure no fats are stored and hence no weight is gained. With this a person is able to live their lives comfortably without having to worry about weight gain issues.

The most important thing that one has to understand for this dieting to work is what to eat and what to avoid. The diet is not just about losing weight but also about adopting a healthier lifestyle. In short one should consume foods such as meat, eggs, nuts, yoghurt and vegetables occasionally.

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