lundi 20 novembre 2017

When In Need Of Expertise With The Summer People Must Use A Quality Self Tanner

By Haywood Hunter

Many people today don't have the money to spend going to the spa every few weeks. You have to face it; they are very expensive although they do make one feel truly amazing afterwards. One can apply a self tanner at home and it can be just as fun, you can give yourself a full beauty regime at the same time.

Having to go to the spa can be time consuming and not everyone can afford it. Try purchasing your own start-up kit and practice on yourself or even a willing family member. As time goes by it might even become a small business that you can do to earn extra money.

One of the first sprays that came on the market was in 1984. It was called Terracotta, and was rather expensive. Many still report that it is one of the best spray tanning products on the market. It had a very quick drying time and one could be dressed within 10 minutes after application. The color was of a natural brown and no orange was reported. The tan went a deeper color as the hours went by. The smell was not too bad and after the first shower the smell nearly disappeared. The only problem was that it was truly expensive and not many could afford it.

Another product on the market is a gradual tanner. This is much more affordable for many. The color of the tan will gradually grow darker over a period of a few days. Always exfoliate and apply a thin layer of moisturizer beforehand. This one tends to leave a little bit of a shimmer, which is a great way of showing off your legs. It does tend to be a bit runny, but that can be overlooked as the price is good.

If you however are thinking of buying the HVLP Spray Tan Machine on its own it has been specifically designed for this industry in mind. It will provide the best full body tan in about 3 to 5 minutes. The needle that is used is very fine as this ensures maximum spray of the fluid. Many motors tend to burn out easily but with the Taper fan turbine it is proven to provide excellent reliability.

The protective lockable suitcase is a must for tanning therapists. It is made of a strong quality material and is perfect to protect and transport your machine. There is space in there for your spray tan solutions and any disposables that you will be using.

The cheapest of these kits will be the Economy one. It also includes the spray station as well as the pop-up tent. A trial pack of tan solution, 200ml of the 9%, as well as the 11% and 13% or one liter of your choice is included. An A2 poster advertising your studio is also added.

When you have finished applying the tanner, apply cream and blend into your feet, toes and ankles. Apply this just below the knee as well. It will help to prevent those spots from becoming too dark as time goes by.

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