mardi 29 mai 2018

After Laser Skin Wrinkle Treatment Atlanta GA Patients Will Feel More Confident

By Deborah Butler

Humans have, from ancient times, gone to great trouble to look better and to fight the signs of ageing. One only has to browse the society pages or a glamour magazine to realize that modern society places a very high value on the external look of people. This is why celebrities and others depending upon their appearances spend so much money on looking younger and better. With laser skin wrinkle treatment Atlanta GA citizens hope to beat the signs of premature ageing.

Resurfacing, as this method is also called, is used in a wide variety of applications, mostly on the face. It is effective in removing the scars of acne and it is highly effective in treating age spots and an uneven skin tone. Resurfacing is also used to lessen the visibility of lines, especially those around the eyes. However, patients must not expect spectacular results overnight.

There are numerous clinics and beauty houses that offer resurfacing. Experts agree, however, that it is better to consult a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon before going ahead with the treatment. He is better able to assess the suitability of each patient for resurfacing. He may even prescribe a course of antibiotics prior to the procedure in order to prevent complications from developing.

Treatments of large portions of the face may take up to two hours, but in most cases sessions last no longer than 45 minutes. The treated area has to be covered by bandages and it is the responsibility of the patient to clean that area for the next ten to twenty one days at least four times daily. This will help to prevent infection and scabs from developing.

Treatment with lasers are considered to be very safe, as long as the practitioner is properly trained and experienced. Patients must nevertheless expect swelling, itching and even a stinging feeling in the treated area. This is normal and will not last longer than a few days. The application of ice may help reduce the irritation. After about a week, the treated area will dry out and the skin will peel. This, too, is normal.

Patients also need to understand that treated area may remain extremely sensitive to the sun for up to a year. It is vital that they apply a good sun block whenever they venture outside. This will not only protect the treated area, but it will help prevent the development of cancer and further signs of premature ageing. Patients are also advised to be careful when buying and using cosmetics and to stop using products that cause irritation, itching or discolouration.

Prospective patients should be very careful when selecting a professional to perform this procedure. It is vital that the practitioner is experienced in performing the procedure, that he can provide valid references and that he uses only the latest and most advanced equipment. No reputable doctor will agree to perform the procedure without first thoroughly assessing the patient.

The use of lasers in the beauty industry has become extremely popular and it seems as if they will soon be able to treat even more conditions. Patients need to be conservative, however. After all, extensive damage caused by these procedures will be very expensive, time consuming and difficult to remedy.

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