jeudi 24 mai 2018

How To Prepare For Dance Competitions

By Joyce Myers

Some people dance for fun. This is because they understand the numerous dancing benefits they can reap. A time comes when you need to dance so as to stand out. This is when you are to participate in a dancing competition. The fact is that like any other competition, dancing competition requires one to be well prepared and confident enough to emerge the winner. You cannot afford to take the importance of proper preparation prior to the day of competition lightly. You may also need the help of professionals who are conversant with what dance competitions entail.

You should avoid some mistakes that most dancers make while preparing for a competition. For instance, you should avoid the mistake of not having a fitness plan that is balanced. Simply attending classes two times every week and going home cannot leave you in the right shape. Dancing is more than practicing and perfecting your steps. You should also make sure that your body is healthy.

The other error is burning out. This is where you find some dancers working too hard before the competition day until their body develop burn out. Many of the dancers will keep working and will have no or little time to relax. They do not know that recovery is important in getting fitter and stronger.

Ponder about the preparations you are making and the dance moves you are making. The other people you are competing with should not matter to you. If you have taken time to do your own preparations, others do not matter. When you have perfected in what you are good at, you will be able to present unique and personalized presentations that will showcase your creativity.

Also, be yourself before and during the competition. Some people get very anxious and are not able to think straight during practice. The fact is that if you are to put your creativity into practice, you have to be sober and at peace. This does not mean that you do not stretch your creativity; it only means that you understand what you are good at and capitalize on it.

Some people also make the mistake of not doing enough prior to the big day. It is important to be realistic in your preparation, but you should not just sit and do nothing. The fact is that no one is a pro when it comes to dancing. There are so many new things to learn and many areas to perfect. Keep working to perfect your dancing skills

Talking of a trainer, some people find hiring someone to train them very costly. They, therefore, undergo the preparation without someone to help them out. They end up making some serious mistakes that make them not win the competitions even after taking time to prepare. You need the help of a professional to perfect your dancing skills. Consider working with reputable and well trained trainers.

Finally, take it easy during the day of competition. Make sure that you wear comfortable attire. Your confidence is important and you need to be sure that you look your best. Make sure that you enjoy yourself as you dance. This will make you find the competition fun rather than an assignment you have to do.

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