dimanche 21 octobre 2018

Buy Sunless Tanners For A Harmless Effective Tan

By Haywood Hunter

People are becoming increasingly concerned with their health, and ways to improve or maintain it. At the same time, people are more into their looks than they have ever been. And, a tan is what a lot of people desire to enhance their appearance. This is where sunless tanning comes onto the scene.

The days of tanning in the sun, while slathered with baby oil, are over. While people still like the results of being under a bright sun on a summer day, as with many other things in our lives, individuals have sought out a quicker way to achieve the perfect tan. Tanning beds have popped up all over the country. They offer a year round tanning tool to their users. But, just as exposure to the sun has its dangers, so do tanning beds.

Lying in a tanning bed can expose a person to 50%-100% the amount of UV light as they would get from the sun. UV exposure is one of the biggest drawbacks to using a tanning bed. Using a tanning bed can burn you in more ways than one. It can literally burn your skin, and the exposure to its UV light can further damage your body. A suppressed immune system, higher risk of skin cancer, and premature aging are all ill effects of using a tanning bed.

Because of the news of the danger in tanning, via a bed or lying under the sun, sunless tanning is increasing in popularity. These tanners offer the best option for achieving that golden look. Not only are they less harmful than other methods, they also offer the tanner more independence. They can be bought at your local pharmacy. And, you can apply them on your own, unless you would prefer to have someone help you.

With a sunless tanner, if you decide today that you want to be tan, you can be tan by tomorrow. And, when it comes to maintaining your tan, all it takes is reapplying it. If you do not wish to be tan anymore, your sunless tan will be gone within a week. So there is no commitment.

Sunless tanners are also good for certain types of individuals. If you find it difficult to tan, a self tanner can get you there. If you have cellulite or stretch marks, a self tanner can help to diminish their appearance.

Now you do not have to pack your beach bag, or make an appointment at your local tanning salon, to get a tan. A sunless tanner offers a more convenient and healthier alternative. With a sunless tanner your tan goes from the bottle into your hands. And, you do what you want with it. And, you do what you want with it.

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