lundi 22 octobre 2018

Everything You Need To Know About No Fault Divorce Georgia

By Martha Cox

The process of dissolving a marriage does not have to be complicated, time consuming and expensive. Through a no fault divorce petition, married individuals can go their separate ways without proving each others wrong doings. If this kind of dissolution has your attention, all you need to state is that you and your spouse are not compatible. If you would like to file for no fault divorce Georgia has a reliable number of proficient attorneys who could help you out.

Simply because you want to consider filing a no-fault divorce does not mean that you and your partner must be on friendly terms. You simply need to ensure that you can make agreements about certain basic issues. Your attorney can assist in ensuring that you are able to make the whole process as quick as possible. If everything goes smoothly, you can have your marriage dissolved in about four weeks.

It remains imperative for you to be well conversant with the grounds of filing a no-fault divorce. First, you need to have been separated from your spouse for at least 12 months if you want to file a petition and there are minor kids involved. On the other hand, you ought to have been separated for at least six months if you have no children or they are all grown.

In addition, matters of kids and property have to be agreed upon before a petition is filed. After this, a waiver and acceptance will be given to your partner and it will be signed under the supervision of a notary public. The signed document will imply that your spouse approves both the divorce and the terms of a separation.

There are instances when a spouse will refuse to sign the document. In case this happens, the deputy sheriff will serve the partner in question with a complaint and notice. Again, this only happens if matters regarding property and kids have already been agreed upon. The notice will inform your spouse to appear for sessions where evidence by an affidavit will be collected. The corroborating witnesses who are present will be allowed to confirm the length of your separation.

If everything goes smoothly right from the start, the final decree of divorce can be obtained in about a month. However, if you need to get your spouse served, the process could take about seven weeks. With the right guidance, you will have increased chances of ending your marriage in a fast and simple way.

No-fault marriage dissolution petitions are quite common nowadays. This is because such proceedings are simple, cost effective and fast. They also make it possible for married individuals to go their separate ways and dissolve their marriage, even if they have not wronged each other.

This option will also allow you to keep your personal affairs private. It will not be necessary for you to let the public know about the issues of concern that lead to your current situation. This means that the experience you will have will be less distressing. Simply ensure that you seek the expertise of a seasoned, local lawyer.

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