samedi 17 novembre 2018

Reputable Driving School Overland Park Kansas Spells Out Distractions To Avoid

By Diane Snyder

After joining a driving school, a prime topic that will be taught is how to remain safe while behind the wheel. The instructor will teach you about the safe following distance and also proper braking among other important concepts. Even so, there is more to safe driving than merely mastering the concepts taught in class. It is also important for new drivers to avoid dangerous distractions. When searching for the best driving school Overland Park Kansas is an excellent place to begin initial research.

If you take matters of safety seriously, then you should by all costs remain focused on both the road and on operating your vehicle. The lesser distractions you have, the lower your risk of wrecking your car. Below are common, yet dangerous disturbances that you may want to avoid.

Among the most dangerous distractions that you must avoid is using your cell phone when driving. It is best not to talk on the phone or even text while behind the wheel. New drivers need to know that using the cell phone as you drive is considered as a serious violation in most states. Such habits have also been reported to cause hundreds of road accidents on a yearly basis.

You should also not eat or drink while behind the wheel. Even though grabbing something to eat as you drive may seem like an ideal thing to do when you are running late, this would not be a smart move. Anything that prevents you from having one or both arms on the steering wheel is dangerous. This is because you will not be able to react with speed in case of an impending road hazard.

Another common distraction to avoid is loud music. It is perfectly okay to have some background music playing in your vehicle, though you need to avoid cranking up the volume too high. As a driver, you need to be able to hear nearby noises, including emergency sirens, car horns and various other audio cues. If you cannot hear them because of the loud music, then you may again encounter trouble while driving.

If you have just received your license, you need to limit the number of passengers in your automobile. Then again, it is always better not to drive in the company of a rowdy friend. Again, anyone that has a disruptive conduct can put you at risk of getting disrupted and possibly even getting into a car crash.

Responsible parents will emphasize on matters of safety during practice. They will also lay down some ground rules as soon as their teens turn into licensed drivers. Before you hand over the car keys to your loved ones, discuss the rules that must be respected and the harsh repercussions of defying them.

You have all the rights to make it crystal clear that your kid cannot use the phone when operating the vehicle. He or she should also not eat or drink while behind the wheel and no rowdy passengers should be allowed into the car. Another important rule you must set is that your teen should respect a specific curfew. It takes a lot of practice to become a pro driver during daylight and before this happens, the teen cannot in any way drive at night.

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