vendredi 7 décembre 2018

The Secret Of The Holy Grail Legend

By Raymond Morris

When it comes to chalices, most often these drinking goblets are used during communion rites, rituals and weddings. Whereas, the most famous chalice is believed to have been the cup Jesus used during the last supper. While this is the case, the secret of the holy grail also known as a sacred chalice has been disputed for centuries.

Most commonly believed to be the goblet which caught the blood of Jesus, new research has led some to believe the grail is not a cup at all. Rather, an ancient document which holds writings, including the original gospels as penned by Jesus. Whereas, as early as the 1940s, the Germans and Northern Europeans came to believe it to be a secret symbol associated with Hitler and the Nazi party.

New and different legends are now forming based on relics and research which have recently been discovered. Scientists, theologians and authors all agree that the grail could actually be something other than a chalice. While some believe it to be the cup which held the blood of Jesus, others believe it to be an ancient document or scroll.

If a chalice, the cup holds a connection to the bloodline of Jesus which would most likely be related to the Egyptians. As such, it is hoped that if the grail is a cup and found, there could still be enough DNA evidence to study the direct ancestry of Christ. While hopeful, it is more likely that the legacy and myth will remain nothing more than a legend in the future.

Whether comedies such as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, or more serious films related to Christianity, the holy object has often been front and center. In fact, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table reflect the stories of Christ and the disciples to some extent. For, both Jesus and King Arthur sat at a round table and were leaders of 12 men, the knights in the case of King Arthur and the disciples in the case of Jesus.

It is also believed that the last Supper took place at a second round table, not a rectangle table as shown in a number of paintings which depict the last supper. An interesting note is that there were 12 knights in the King Arthur legend and 12 disciples in the stories of Jesus. Whereas, there are also aspects related to purity and the priesthood in both legends.

One of the most interesting and unusual references to the sacred object suggest it was actually the womb of a princess. In fact, some knights would garner a great deal of laughter by having the princess come into the room with a green cloth, then asking if the knight had seen the holy grail. For, during that time it was believed that the womb of the princess represented the sacred object.

In this legend, the grail needs protecting so the knights are there to protect the princess. Whereas, Eunuchs, often high priests, whom have been castrated are considered the most virginal and pure of all the knights. For example, Matthew 19: 11/12, Jesus can be seen asking whom of the disciples would be willing to become a Eunuch and holder of the holy grail, be that a cup, document or princess.

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