lundi 25 février 2019

Crucial Info Regarding Bail Bonds In San Diego

By Helen Johnson

There are a lot of new headlines and news that are always saying that a given person or so and so was released on bail. Therefore, so man y people are familiar with the word but very few people are actually aware of what it means. The word is at times through to stand for a bail bond which has never been the case as these two are different things. A bail bond is a surety that is paid or availed by a bonds-person or agent with intentions to secure and guarantee a release of a defendant from jail. This article acquaints you with some fundamental information about bail bonds in san diego and how they work.

There are two main types of pledges and the first one is the criminal bond. Criminal bond is designated for criminal cases and this guarantees that a defendant will appear before the court whenever there are proceedings and whenever they are required to. Also, the bond tends to act as a surety that the defendant will comply and pay the fine and penalty fees as per the directives of the court.

The second bond type is the civil surety bond and this tends to focus on the civil cases. This bond tends to avail an assurance and a guarantee that the accused will pay their debt in full. The debt incorporates all the interests plus penalties and fees as per the agreements.

When presented before the courtroom, the presiding judge tends to determine whether bail is necessary and then sets the right and the most deem fitting amount of money. The defendant will then gauge whether they can manage to raise the whole amount of money on their own. However, where they cannot, they will only have an option of working with a bonds-person. The bond-person will demand a ten percent upfront payment for the bails amount.

The bond-person is the one to avail the remaining ninety percent. However, before they can top up the money, they will have to receive sufficient collateral from the defendant. Nonetheless, there are instances where the collateral availed by the accused is less than what the bonds-person needs. This will then obligate the bond-person to reach out to relatives and friends to the defendant and have them identify some of the collateral they can add so as to help secure the release of the accused from jail.

With enough collateral, the bonds-person will, present the pledge to the court. This will definitely secure the release of the defendant. Nonetheless, it is always the fundamental obligation of the defendant to present themselves before the court at all times. Failure to do this, the court will demand the bonds-person to sell the collateral; and present ninety percent of the pledge before the court.

A disciplined defendant who appears before the court will benefit once the case is over. After the case proceedings and a verdict is issued, the accused gets the collateral back. For the bond-person, the ten percent advance payment becomes their profit.

Through the above information, you will manage to garner facts about bail pledges and how they work. The accused has an integral role to play in the entire process. For the bonds-person or agent, it is a win scenario for them.

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