lundi 25 février 2019

How You Can Make The Most Out Of Your BVI Catamaran Charter Vacation

By Deborah Ward

You should learn a number of things when going on a sailing vacation for the first time. Having the right information will make you look like a seasoned traveler and not a rookie. Learn the tips offered below for enjoying your next BVI catamaran charter holiday.

Listing down all you want during your vacation is probably the most important thing to start with. Here, you should figure out how big you want your vessel to be. This requires taking the number of vacationers you will be sailing with into account. Additionally, you need to decide on the destinations to visit and the kind of foods you desire. Specifying your desired level of privacy is also critical at this point.

Maintaining a great relationship with the captain of your vessel is quite essential. Because of the extensive knowledge they possess, they are likely to be very instrumental throughout your holiday. Having sailed to numerous travel destinations, they can recommend some destinations that you can hardly find in tour books. So, make sure that you chat with them every time you get an opportunity to do so.

Catamaran crews usually possess excellent customer service skills. They also love what they do and work with admirable enthusiasm. Nevertheless, you should not treat them as servants. Instead, you should treat them with the utmost courtesy and respect. Also, you need to realize that they have other responsibilities that may not be visible to you. Allowing them some time to relax is important too.

Before starting your journey, it is important that you decide on an itinerary. However, some factors may make such a plan unfeasible. These may include bad weather and other emergency situations. In this regard, you should be flexible and ready to listen to your crew when they advise against a location. In most cases, your captain will be glad to recommend alternative locations worth going to.

Obey safety rules. When on water, you should strive to do everything that you can do to enhance your safety. For example, putting on your life jacket is one of the things that can save your life. Also, you should ask for help when looking to learn a new water activity. Still, you should always keep track of any kids you have on board.

Go barefoot. Luxury boats usually have expensive decks that should only be stepped on barefoot. Most of them are made from teak and other expensive materials. This means that they are fragile and can be easily damaged by soled footwear. Therefore, before visiting the deck, check with your captain first. Alternatively, you can request for a basket to keep your footwear in after boarding.

Enjoying your cruise requires chartering the right vessel. This entails doing your research and consulting experts before selecting your yacht. An experienced broker will analyze your needs and budget before suggesting the ideal option available for you. Gathering lots of information from online sources on the options available to travelers looking to sample the British Virgin Islands is also important.

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