lundi 27 mars 2017

Everything You Need To Know About Expository Writing Activities

By Larry Hughes

Expository essays help in explaining a particular topic in a straightforward and a logic manner. The writer uses facts to explain points without referencing his or her opinions and emotions. In general terms, expository writing activities aim at explaining, exposing or illuminating particular information. Other than essays, other writings placed under this category include magazine articles, encyclopedia articles, newspapers, textbooks and instruction manuals.

Expository pieces are common in the academic area. An essay of this kind tends to have the initial part, which is called introductory paragraph. This part helps in stating the objective of a piece. The middle part is known as the body. It comprises the most number of paragraphs. Number of paragraphs can vary depending on the general size of a piece. An excellent writer assumes that the readers do not know much concerning the topic being discussed. He or she explains his or her points clearly to bring out important information.

In case an expository essay has five paragraphs, the first one represents the introductory paragraph. The body is comprised of three paragraphs and then there is the conclusion one. Before one commences writing, it is important for him to think much about the topic provided. The writer should then do some research so as to make notes. Notes should be arranged in a proper manner to ensure that information is presented in an organized manner.

In the next stage, the writer commences by coming up with a draft. In the first paragraph, there is usually the topic sentence. It brings out the main idea or the thesis of an essay. Topic sentence just states the idea. It does neither take a position nor does it give an opinion. In the middle part comprises the body. Each of the paragraphs talks about a separate point with the intention of developing thesis of an essay. Each sentence in each of these three paragraphs should provide facts together with examples that help in supporting the topic of concerned paragraph.

The last section of the piece is composed of conclusion paragraph. It contains the summary of the entire essay. The section helps in supporting the idea that had been introduced in the introductory part and explained within the middle part. This section helps in reinforcing the idea presented. During the last movements, the essay is revised so as to modify and also review it further.

A writer proofreads the piece, which he or she has written with intention realizing and correcting minor errors, which may be found within the piece. The style and also the clarity of an article are improved through proper editing. A nice article is generally lively, concise, engaging and clear. Any writer who intends to grow well in future should consider sharing his or her work with others.

There are different types of essays. One of these types is called the definition essay. It helps in explaining a concept, term or word. Classification essays break down an idea into groups and categories. Other than explaining each category, the examples for each category are provided. Process essays help comprehend procedures of doing certain tasks.

Comparative and contrast essays reveal important information regarding people, places and things. Differences and also the similarities are clearly stated. Comparison part talks more about the similarities of concerned places. Contrast talks about the differences. Cause and effect assays explain how different items are related to one another.

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