lundi 27 mars 2017

Receive Proprioceptive Rehabilitation With A Foxboro MA Chiropractor

By John Davis

A chiropractic practitioner uses a number of techniques to help folks reach their best possible health and wellness. One such method is typically used by Foxboro MA chiropractor offices that help the patient find relief is proprioceptive rehabilitation. Proprioception is the natural ability the body has for sensing movement inside their joints. The body is able to detect where the limbs are without the need to see them. This is particularly useful when the person is executing difficult athletic maneuvers that require precise coordination.

The proprioceptive system contains many receptor nerves that are located in the joints, ligaments, and muscles around our joints. These receptor nerves are able to sense stretch and tension and pass this information on to the brain where it's processed. Next, the brain responds by signaling the muscles to relax or contract to perform the desired movement. This subconscious system can by damaged by injuries to ligaments and joints so the brain receives impaired information.

When this happens your joints will feel strand. When a ligament or joint has been torn, the proprioceptive ability in the individual will decrease. They are left susceptible to injury and will decrease coordination when participating in sports.

The chiropractor is able to help athletes by using proprioceptive rehabilitation. The provider offers the patient a combination of physical therapy and rehabilitative exercises. Exercise is very important for folks who have injury due to sports or overuse are looking for a way to decrease their pain or get rid of it completely.

The exercises that are introduced typically have to do with improving balance so that the person can function at their best possible level. The patient learns strength exercises to improve muscles that have become weak from injury. These exercises will improve the patients balance as well.

Patients will also learn how to strengthen their rotator cuffs, exercises to increase flexibility, and core stabilization exercises that will help to train their muscular and nervous systems to coordinate efficient, safe, movements. A Foxboro chiropractor has exercises that could be beneficial soon after an injury.

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