mercredi 23 août 2017

Theft & The Two Tamper Evident Seals You Should Use

By Jason McDonald

Did you know that, on a yearly basis, billions of dollars in terms of electricity is stolen? This is a shocking statistic for many people, but many people may wonder why this occurs in the first place. More than anything else, it comes down to a lack of security, which increases the need for tamper evident seals. For a better understanding of which ones are best used to prevent theft, it may be in your best interest to read on.

If you are unaware as to what these items are, companies along the lines of American Casting & Manufacturing can provide insight. Tamper evident seals are designed for the purpose of protecting items from being stolen. If you have been to any store, chances are that you have seen one of these seals on expensive items resting on store shelves. Not only will these seals protect the items from theft, but they will save businesses ample money in the long term.

One of the seals that prevent meter & utility theft are known as cup seals. What these do is prevent access to certain joints and screws that would otherwise be tampered with in order to access meters and utilities. They come in two pieces as well - a front and back - and the back piece is strategically designed for the sake of protection. Meanwhile, the front is easy enough to click into place, which allows the seal to seal to function as designed.

Next, padlock seals are among the most reliable items for security purposes. One of the reasons for this is that they are easy to use, as evidenced by the sliding motion that is used in order to engage and disengage the locks themselves. In simplest terms, anyone can use these items. You may also be interested to know that these come in many colors and designs. While this may not be a necessity, it is a feature that cannot go unappreciated.

For those that are concerned about security, whether it is in terms of utilities, electricity, or otherwise, rest easy knowing that you have resources. Seals such as these provide ample security, which goes without saying, but the fact that they are easy to use cannot be understated. No matter what you are looking to protect, these types of seals can provide the value you are looking for. It is a simple matter of how much you are willing to invest in them.

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