vendredi 4 mai 2018

Before You Buy Those North Carolina Ragdoll Kittens

By Charles Stone

It is probably a very good chance that you are reading this article right now because you are in the market for a new pet or at least a replacement one. You may have seen an advert for sale of North Carolina ragdoll kittens and you are thinking of this breed. Prior to your buying this particular breed, do read on in this article before making a commitment.

The ragdoll is named after its uncanny ability to go suddenly limp. When it is picked up, it will suddenly relax and behave as if almost boneless and basically just like ragdoll. As they are quite docile, anyone can just pick them up and run away with them. They should be kept inside at all times to prevent kidnapping and also from other animals fighting it.

As such they are great animals to have around children in the home. They are safe and there is no need for them to be declawed as they will paw at things rather than claw or scratch at them. One should therefore not worry about this cat accidentally clawing anything.

These cats come in a variety of colors but their main distinguishing feature is that they are all blue eyed. Their paws area also always mitted, meaning they look like they are always wearing white mittens. These cats are also considered as one of the biggest domestic cats and can reach up to twenty pounds for males and fifteen pounds for females. This basically means that you will need both hands to support them when picking them up.

In addition to their docile temperament, their personalities or rather actions are very much like that of a dog. They love to carry their toys around and also follow you around wherever you go. If you do happen to enter a room with a door they will wait outside of the door for you. They also want to be part of any activity that will be on at the time and will always want to be sitting on your lap.

In general, through their fifteen year lifespan, they will be healthy. As they age however, they will be prone to gallstones and heart conditions. Thus as they get older a strict monitoring of diet is needed as well as regular visits for checkups with the vet.

As for grooming, there re no issues with the ragdoll. You will need to groom and brush it at least twice a week to prevent tangles and matting on its coat. Regular nail trimming and hair cleaning is needed as well, at least twice a month to prevent infections and such. This cat does enjoy grooming and getting brushed and is an opportunity for boning also.

In sum these are general considerations you should think over before buying this breed. Other considerations also exist which you can research on your own, but suffice to say, the items in this article are a good baseline to work from. Always make sure you have all the information before taking the commitment of being a pet owner.

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