samedi 29 septembre 2018

The Coward Baptist Church Is Part Of Protestantism

By Carolyn Nelson

There are over 900 million Protestants in the world. The most Protestant nations on earth are the United States of America, Canada, and the United Kingdom. Protestantism is the second largest Christian group in the world. At position one is Catholicism. When some Americans think about Christianity and Protestantism, the first thing that they think about is the best Coward Baptist church. This is a place of worship. It usually brings together people from the different walks of life. Worship is not the only thing that usually happens during the service. There will also be a session for prayers. The pastor will deliver the sermon.

Ideological differences exist in Christianity. For example, Protestants do not reason the same way with Catholics when it comes to the matter of celibacy. Catholics view celibacy as necessary if an individual wants to be part of the clergy such as becoming a priest. For Baptists, celibacy is not necessary even if one wants to become a pastor.

As a Protestant who identifies himself as a Baptist, it is vital to be baptized before one becomes a member of the congregation. For the case of Catholicism, only the head is baptized. In addition, an individual can be baptized even if he is young. That is not the case with Protestants because there is only adult baptism involving the entire body.

A true Protestant will not fail to attend church service. A service can be held in the house of a believer. Alternatively, it can take place in the compound of the church. It all depends on what has to be accomplished at the end of the day. The Sunday service is important. It should be attended by all Christians in America.

Protestants who identify themselves as Baptists usually take the issue of prayers seriously. One needs to pray as much as possible. Before taking any meal, there should be a prayer. Praying is simply seeking help and guidance from up above. A Christian, who prays without ceasing, will not enter into temptations. Prayer will strengthen the faith of an individual.

The Holy Bible is at the heart of Protestantism. There are many versions of the Bible. Some versions use simple and easy to understand language. On the other hand, there are those that use complex language. One should select the most suitable version. Reading the Bible on a daily basis will facilitate spiritual growth. That is something good.

Scripture is divided into two major parts. The first part is the Old Testament while the other is the New Testament. The most notable books in the New Testament are the gospel books. These give humanity great hope. They make people to realize that there is a great life awaiting the believer. Revelation is full of prophesies of what will happen in the last days.

The top priority of every human being should be improving spiritual health. The spirit is more important than the body. After death, the body will rot away. However, the spirit will last forever either in heaven or in hell. The first step that a person can do to improve spiritual health is joining a Baptist Church in Coward.

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