dimanche 11 novembre 2018

Essential Travel Tips For Children With Autism All Parents Should Know

By Anthony Ellis

Parents who have children with mental disabilities face unique challenges every day. For most of these kids structure and routine are very important. Sometimes families think taking a vacation, or even getting away together for a long weekend, is an impossibility. The experts have travel tips for children with autism that can make taking a trip to somewhere new a fun, exciting, and comfortable experience for everybody.

The first thing you have to do is make careful plans. It's important to include your youngster in the plans as well. You know how your child reacts in different situations. You also know the things that makes him happy and the ones that cause meltdowns. When you are making these plans, flexibility is key.

Don't try to do too much. It might be tempting to try and fill every vacation day to the brim with activities, but this plan will backfire when you have an autistic child. Instead of over stimulating him with too much to do, try planning one or two activities each day. That will give your child the time he need to get used to unfamiliar sights and sounds, and used to the idea of interacting with strangers.

A safety plan has to be on the top of your list. According to the professionals, wandering is one of the biggest dangers parents of autistic children face. It is especially dangerous for non-verbal kids.

A medical bracelet, that has all your child's pertinent information, is a must. If you have a child that is sensory sensitive however, you might have to attach his identification tag to a belt or zipper. For the allergic child, a list of sensitivities has to be included.

You have to be sensitive to your child's needs when you are packing. If he has a favorite stuffed toy or security blanket, be sure to pack it in his luggage. Leaving it behind is a mistake. He also needs to have other things that are familiar to him like his favorite clothes, snacks, and toys. If there are things that always seem to calm him, like an iTouch, bring them along as well.

You should start discussing the trip with your autistic child weeks before you go. You can use pictures to familiarize the child about what he will see on the trip. You might show your youngster pictures of the hotel where you will be staying, even the room if possible. Pictures of a plane or train, if you will be traveling in one of those, and a detailed explanation, will help make your youngster feel more secure.

Schedule plenty of breaks every day of your vacation. It isn't realistic to expect an autistic child to spend the whole day at a theme park for instance. After a couple of hours, you might have to leave. You have to make plans in advance for this. You might extend your visit, so you can go to the park for a few hours and then spend some time relaxing a the hotel pool. Keeping to the normal bedtime routine while you are away is one way to keep your youngster on track.

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