mercredi 7 novembre 2018

The Case And Events Of The Seton Miracles

By Harold Cox

Polarities are pretty much defined in religion. Its either youre a believer or a nonbeliever. Well, of course there are also the agnostics, but theyre nonpartisan and not very much useful to either two. Since time immemorial, these groups have engaged in a constant debate on a nebulous topic no one can seem to get to the bottom of. In the last decade of the twentieth century, however, the believers scored ascendancy over the opposition who was much too puzzled and flabbergasted to rebuke anything at the moment. The bone of contention was The Seton Miracles.

The word miracle is pretty much overused and stretched beyond its point of recognition. Linguistically limited people use it to describe pretty much anything strange and marvelous. Like finding a four leafed clover, for example, or else having a perpetually tardy coworker come early for work.

Once in a while, though, something happens which shakes up any sensible individuals belief systems. Maybe you have grown up hearing about the Burning Bush and the parting of the Red Sea. However, these really couldnt interest and concern you in the slightest.

Until, of course, when you see such happenings with your own eyes. As it is, many kinds of miracles are documented all throughout history, in all major religions. Perhaps none has a richer and more well documented history than that of the Catholic Church. However, not all of them are given the credit which believers think theyre due.

Such was the jumble caused by the series of happenings in 1991 at the Seton church. These happenings range from a priests manifestations of stigmata, to the hundreds of statues, icons, and images crying tears and blood, plus their change of expressions. Theres also the changing colors of rosary beads and statue, and the miracle lights and colors in the sky. There is the permeating scent of roses from an unidentifiable source, and the miraculous healings through prayers and intercessions.

On top of that, a progression of unexplainable phenomena occurred, such as the statues of the Virgin Mary and the saints weeping by the hundreds. Crucifixes, glass images, and other pictures leaked tears as well. All these icons, made from various materials ranging from plastic, metal, ceramic, plaster, ivory, porcelain, fiberglass, and more, were said to have wept simultaneously in front of thousands of witnesses. Numerous rosaries were also said to change color.

However, all these people claim to be of sound mind and spirit. Even now, one can find numerous workaday people who write commonplace blogs, which claims theyve witnessed and experienced these miracles themselves. The greatest downplaying factor is perhaps the lack of response and recognition by the Church.

Despite the large number of witnesses and claimants, the leaders of the diocese surprisingly kept these happenings at arms length. In this modern age, church authorities are more cautious and circumspect in taking these kinds of claims with a pinch of salt. For one, adherents are no longer able to filter off miracles associations with canonizations and some such. Maybe the clergy are just waiting for future signs or whatnot.

In the end, all of these claims may be true, or they may be false. The thing is that people should always keep an open mind and not judge and dismiss the faith and beliefs of other people. As long as its not being used to further ones agenda and harm others, religion can be a very beautiful way of bringing people together and inspiring them to live in mutual respect and harmony.

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