vendredi 29 mars 2019

Alternative Treatments To CPAP For Sleep Apnea

By Harold Brooks

While there have been a number of different treatments attempted to calm Sleep Apnea and snoring issues, there are now new and different products. While there are now a few different alternative treatments to CPAP, one product, Inspire works from within the body and the normal breathing process. With inspire, physicians implant a tiny device under the skin in an outpatient procedure.

All an individual has to do is turn on the device by turning on a remote before sleep to allow the stimulation of muscles and airway to open. Once awake, simply turn the remote off and the device will reset automatically.

The device works with natural breathing patterns without the need for heavy CPAP equipment or cleaning machines. As such, most people using the device wake up alert, aware and refreshed. In addition, there is no grogginess or sleepiness from a lack of sleep due to the loud noise which a number CPAP machines create.

For those whom are married or in relationships, Inspire can provide much needed peace and quiet to partners whom have been dealing with interrupted sleep on a long time basis. Although, there are some qualifying factors before an individual can be treated with this type of device. For example, candidates must have an obstructive sleep or apnea diagnosis, have difficulty using CPAP, be 22 years of age or older and have a 35 or less body mass index rating.

The product has been approved by the FDA of the United States as of 2014 for human use after several long term studies and trials. As such, the product is as, if not safer than traditional breathing equipment. For, it is more likely that if an individual experiences difficulty breathing, a partner is more likely to hear gasping or other noises with an implant versus loud breathing equipment.

Individual currently using the device often have nothing but positive things to say. In addition, studies have shown there to be a 79% reduction in sleep apnea. As such, it appears most users have been extremely satisfied in using Inspire as an alternative to CPAP. While this is the case, there have been a few complications with regards to replacing remotes or having to have a device re-implanted.

Finding a doctor whom can provide an Inspire implant can be found easily be entering a zip code at inspire sleep dot com. For, there are over one hundred fifty doctors currently prescribing the treatment for long term sleep disorders. In addition to the zip code search, individuals can also find a link to a number clinics providing the treatment listed by state at the bottom of the landing page.

Before attempting to acquire an Inspire or other alternative to CPAP, it is important to check with current health care providers and insurance companies to assure the device would be a good option. In addition, as some insurance companies may not provide coverage for alternative treatments, it is also advised that individuals discuss any alternative treatments with insurance carriers. After which, it can often be much easier to decide whether an Inspire implant could be a good choice to replace a CPAP machine.

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