mercredi 27 mars 2019

Consulting A New York City Therapist For Men To Lower Stress And Prevent Its Complications

By Laura Brown

Living in the Big Apple can be extremely stressful. It's for this reason why most of its residents are facing a lot of stress on an everyday basis. Stress can be relieved with the help of some stress-lowering activities. However, there are times in which it is a good idea to pay a mental health expert a visit. Seeing a New York City therapist for men is highly recommended for males who are having a hard time dealing with chronic stress.

The problem with being stressed all the time is it's considered as a risk factor for heart disease. According to doctors, men are likelier to suffer from it than women. One of the reasons for such is the fact that more men are into cigarette smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol. A lot of them are also leading more stressful lives than women.

Due to the fact that you're working all day long, you have very little or no time available for working out. Doctors confirm that one of the best ways to lower your chance of having heart-related issues is exercising on a regular basis. In addition, being at your office desk for hours on end can keep you from being a physically active individual. It's no secret that one of the many risk factors for heart disease is leading a sedentary lifestyle.

There's a huge possibility that you are what's known as a stress eater. As such, you tend to lean towards foods that are packed with cholesterol, saturated fat, sodium and refined sugar. Having a diet like that can cause your waistline to expand. Your heart and the rest of your cardiovascular system are in danger if you are obese or overweight.

Opting for a diet that's unhealthy can also cause diabetes to strike. This is especially true if a person consumes lots of foods that are teeming with refined sugar and carbohydrates. Diabetes is an incurable disease. What's more, it can pave the way for heart disease if the person who is suffering from it fails to manage diabetes accordingly.

Chronic stress can cause heart disease to come into being due to the fact that it can raise the levels of bad cholesterol in the bloodstream. Such can trigger the accumulation of plaque in the arteries, causing them to end up clogged. Having a narrowed artery in the heart can cause a heart attack. If the affected artery is the one that supplies the brain with oxygenated blood, a stroke may come into being.

You may also suffer from hypertension if you fail to put your stress under control. Such condition can keep your blood pressure from returning to the normal range. What's so scary about hypertension is it can pave the way for heart disease. Health experts say that it can also damage various organs such as the eyes and kidneys.

It's very important to lower one's stress levels in order to fend off heart disease. Men who are residing in New York City may consider seeing therapists if they are having a hard time dealing with chronic stress on their own. With regular sessions, they will find it easier to cope with having a stressful life.

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