dimanche 17 juin 2018

Factors To Consider When Preparing Chocolate Chip Scones

By Charles Patterson

Many are the times when individuals try to prepare a particular dish, but they end up with the opposite result. Some give up while others still continue until they achieve perfection in the area. Though for many commercial cooks the skill is acquired through undertaking some training, there are those who earn it through experience and continued practice. To achieve a desired level of perfection in the preparation of chocolate chip scones, there is need to follow a couple of guidelines.

Where possible take all the handlers of food being made through a training session. It can be carried out over a long period or a short one depending on the skills that they are supposed to acquire. Among the things taught are temperature and time control, risks involved in food preparation and personal hygiene. Doing this ensures that chances of the food preparation going astray are very minimal.

Many of the ingredients that are used are toxic when not cooked well they end up causing allergic reactions on those feeding on them. During the training, these elements are established, and when it comes to the cooking, it is made sure that they are eliminated by giving them ample time to cook. The toxins originate from the plants themselves and also from the insecticides applied.

Refrigeration is essential for the food and especially when it comes to those foods that are perishable. Almost every element that is used in the making of this dish is highly perishable, this calls for the use of refrigerators and freezers to keep them before they are used. Additionally, contamination is kept minimal when these storage systems are present.

Ensure that thorough cleaning is done. Using detergents and cleaning items wash the utensils used to prepare and cook. Washing should also be carried out on the ingredients to wash off anything that could be dangerous upon consumption or end up changing the taste, or even color of the dish. However, make sure that this is carried out before they are prepared as too much water can change their tastes.

Bare hands are not safe as they can either be burned or bring contamination. In between the preparation, one might end up touching things that are not clean, and if the same hands handle the food, they bring about contamination. But when handling items such as tongs are used, chances of contamination or even accidents happening are very minimal. Additionally, the equipment should also be thoroughly cleaned.

In addition, separate those pieces of cloth used to handle utensils such as tongs from those that are used to handle the food. Hygiene is an essential part when it comes to preparation of any dish. Whenever these are mixed up, there are high chances of making the dish prepared unsafe for consumption.

In conclusion, more to cleaning the ingredients and the utensils, have different cleaning sinks or basins. Do not mix them as it may result in contaminating them and destroying the entire meal. Though they are both cleaned, there are some elements that may be washed off such as metal parts during the cleaning of the utensils and when they are mixed with the vegetables or even the meat they end up causing poisoning.

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