mardi 19 juin 2018

Setting Parameters With Security Guard Jobs

By Harold Stewart

The modern world is great. It brings about a lot of comfort. A person can live their whole life without ever having to leave their house, and they are still able to fully participate in all the conveniences of modern society. They can eat out, not by going out but by having the food delivered to them. They can socialize with people without ever having to leave the comfort of their couches thanks to social media. But, the while some things are new, some things never change. Since the dawn of human sentience, there will always be those who seek to render ill intent on their fellow man. Modern society does have law enforcement, but some entities take it a step further and hire their own private protection via security guard jobs Orange County.

A security guard, as the name would imply, is a private protection officer. Many of them are police officers working during their off hours to earn a little extra money. However, security guards are not law enforcement officers, and while they have the power to detain people on private property, they hold no power outside of it, unless they are also fully qualified law enforcement personnel.

The chief responsibilities of the job is to safeguard a given area. This will often include any valuable items within that area, and the people within it. They will can likewise be given the duty of insuring that any proprietary information stored in the area does not leave, unless authorized by the right people.

The qualifications for such a position can vary depending on the items or area being guarded. In some cases, all that is needed is to turn in an application. For some sensitive areas, a background in military or law enforcement are preferred.

In some cases, the only equipment needed is a mean looking face, some big muscles, and a tight shirt to accentuate those muscles. However, some corporate properties may have guards that are armed with small caliber firearms. In general, the equipment that is standard across most positions in the field is a tube of pepper spray, a flashlight, and maybe a collapsible baton.

Some positions save money on training by hiring people who have received previous training. For that reason, many former soldiers and police officers find themselves in the field. But many organizations will have some degree of training, whether is be a quick orientation or a multi week regimen that includes martial arts training.

The pay can be good. Entry level positions in the field will pay seventeen dollars an hour, and that is on the low end of the scale. While this is not a job that will make a person rich enough to buy a mansion, unless they rise up to executive levels within an organization, they will more than likely be able to provide a comfortable, middle class life for them and their families.

There are risks involved in the profession. Criminals want things, they want money and they want valuable items. A security guard must place themselves between a criminal and what a criminal wants. The problem is that sometimes, a criminal will charge forward.

Protection is the name of the game. There are bad persons out in the world. They have to be stopped to keep the good persons safe.

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