samedi 16 juin 2018

For Good Termite Treatment NC Offers A Recommendable Destination

By Diane Edwards

The truth is that termites can invade any kind of structure regardless of what it is made of. These insects play an important function in the ecosystem, but it is also true that they are very destructive. Statistics indicate that they cause damage that amounts to over 5 billion every year. As such, they are better off remaining in their natural habitat. When one needs Termite Treatment NC Offers the perfect location to visit.

A majority of people are unable to distinguish termites from ants due to their close resemblance. But there are 3 major ways of distinguishing the two. First, termites are cephalothorax meaning that the thorax is joined with the abdomen. Second, they have antennas resembling strings of beads. On the other hand, swarmers are narrow-winged with visible veins running in the wings. The wings are of the same size, occurring in double pairs.

A termite swarm includes both female and male termites that have wings. They move out of their colony to try to begin new colonies. During late February and early May is when swarms are commonly seen. This is for the subterranean species. Drywood termites swarm in the summer. The period when swarming occurs may also depend on weather and location.

Different kinds of termites exist in the United States today. The most commonly occurring species are the drywood, dampwood, and subterranean termites. Dampwood termites prefer places with heavy forests because they prefer feeding on wet wood. Drywood termites prefer feeding on extremely dry wood, but they are very rare in the US.

Subterranean termite is the commonest occurring variety. It mostly dwells in the soil and its preferred habitat is moist environments. This is why whenever a person has a termite invasion problem, high chances are that it is the subterranean variety. Besides, of the three types subterranean termites are the most destructive. Swarmers are easier to notice since they are visible in the air when they emerge from their colonies. Apart from this, other sign of invasion are small holes in the ground, mud tubes, and soft wood.

It is good to contact an expert exterminator in case a person discovers an infestation. Homeowners attacked with termites may also seek treatment services from the National Pest Management Association. This association is highly committed to providing effectual treatment plans. There are normally several aspects that determine the treatment adopted. Construction of the house, location, invasion level, and types of termites are some of the aspects considered.

A professional and licensed exterminator should be hired to inspect the invasion first before a treatment plan can be formulated. Some homeowners try to do the treatment on their own without hiring a professional, and they usually fail in most cases. Termites are a serious problem that is best left to professionals because they have the necessary expertise, technology, manpower, experience, and training to handle the job.

Not to forget that most specialized firms offer a guarantee for their services. Mostly, they provide a five-year-guarantee. This means that all invasions reoccurring within the stated period are treated with no charges. A five-year-guarantee is mostly preferred by service companies since majority of termicides have a minimum of 5 years expiration period.

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