mardi 26 juin 2018

Good Reasons For Pre K For All In Astoria NY And Nationwide

By Dorothy Cole

If you are a first time parent you probably have mixed feeling about sending your child off to school when he is only three or four. The cost can be prohibitive for parents who live in states that do not offer publicly funded preschool. Some argue kids are already growing up too fast. There is growing consensus that the pluses outweigh the negatives and there should be pre K for all in Astoria NY and everywhere else.

Most states require that parents enroll their kids in kindergarten, if not preschool. In many ways, today's kindergartners are the first graders of the past, and preschool has become the old kindergarten. Preschool introduces the concepts of literacy, math, and science in ways that are fun and interesting. This enables kindergarten teachers to build on these skills earlier and easier.

The development of social skills is one of the foundations of preschool. Kids learn the difference between good and bad decisions. Teachers act as guides for their young students. The most experienced teachers wait before stepping in to help negotiate the resolution to a dispute between peers. Partnering with parents is an important function of preschool teachers. They usually have daily reports for parents and schedule regular update meetings with them.

Preschool is not totally structured classroom time or completely unstructured playtime. Experienced teachers understand how children of this age learn, and give them choices about activities to participate in. Preschool teachers appreciate the fact that this age group isn't ready for the kind of structured academics found in elementary school. They don't allow kids to wander the classrooms all day without supervision however.

Children are expected to take some responsibility for themselves and for others. Teachers will expect students to return mats to their proper places, pick up toys, and help with setting the tables when it's time for snacks. This is the time they begin to learn to listen instead of talking, and wait to take turns. Older kids might help the younger ones with certain tasks.

Increasing language skills is a big part of preschool. The vocabulary of this age group will almost triple in the years before kindergarten. Teachers actively encourage their students to express themselves verbally. There are stories, songs, and plays to act out that help develop language skills and encourage logical thinking.

Most little kids love math and science, because they are not old enough to know better. Simple activities, like counting coins and growing plants from seeds, are great ways to encourage their natural curiosity. Literacy skills are also emphasized. Kids learn the alphabet song and sound out words together.

Kids who don't get to go to preschool are at a disadvantage when they begin their formal academic careers. This opportunity should not be open only to those who can afford it. Making sure kids are well educated is an investment in the future.

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