dimanche 23 juin 2019

Climate Change And Its Effect To The Temperature

By Robert King

We cannot deny the climate nowadays is far different from the old days. We can still remember the incidents in the northern part of the globe where ice melted because of sudden change in temperature. Indeed, not only tropical countries but also in other part if this world, are suffering from extreme heat. Air conditioning harrisburg is one machine made to help people fight such a problem.

One may say that our living now is way better than before. Indeed, it is better than anyone could ever imagine. Thanks to the creative and hardworking ancestors of us, that we were able to have this kind of technology that we have now. In fact, people are dependent to it nowadays.

Without a doubt the reason why our temperature had drastically changed is because of our abuse to environment. Our nature has been the one giving us shelter, and not to mention providing us with all the resources we need in order for us to live. However, we seem to forget to return the favor. The only thing that we need to do is to take care of it but even that appears to be too difficult for us.

As we can notice, our climate had change greatly to the point that it is negatively affecting not only the people but also the entire world in general speaking. People are now suffering from the sudden change in temperature. As a matter of fact, there are people who died because of extreme heat on their body. Our blood is greatly affected by the temperature of our environment.

Despite of what has just been said, we still can calm ourselves because the governments of different countries are now trying their best to finally solve such a big problem. Meanwhile, a machine was created in order to help people survive somehow the deadly effect of sudden rise of temperature. In fact, such machine is the most in demand in the market right now.

Said machine is commonly called as Air condition. We cannot hide that fact that most of citizens now are greatly depending on the said machine. Indeed, it gave a huge contribution to the daily lives of people. It made our community work more productively without any indication of unnecessary complaints regarding the work environment.

Indeed, the same has contributed a very big help to our society. People continue living with comfort, well, thank to this invention. Another thing is that, upon introducing the same into the public, it opened a new possibility for people that we are still far from the better life that are have been dreaming for.

There is no denying that people are depending on what the technology can offer now. We already forget that the only one that can give us the biggest comfort of all is our Mother Nature. But here we are, abusing the same and even not caring for it. We keep on doing things despite the fact that such actions of us will definitely cause great pain to her.

Nevertheless, trying to make improvement is not bad per se. No one would ever condemn a person who is just trying to make changes for the benefit of our society. I just hope that by seeking for changes, let us not forget the nature that has been giving us all we need. Let us not be fixated to our own personal interest.

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