lundi 24 juin 2019

Tips For Choosing The Perfect Colors For Exterior Painting Marietta GA

By Henry Evans

Exterior painting projects can enhance the curb appeal of a property and bring about transformations that can increase its overall value. For the best possible outcome to be achieved, it will be vital for you to be cautious when going about the process of selecting the shades and colors to use. The right color palettes will compliment the appearance of your home for years and give it a unique, timeless appeal. When planning for exterior painting Marietta GA has a decent number of highly regarded contractors to offer.

There are a few tips that will make it easier for you to decide on the colors to use. To begin with, plan around other features within your property. For instance, you can take into account the color of your tile work, hardscaping or even roof shingles. You should choose a paint color that harmonizes these hues and gives your exteriors some sort of rhythm.

Another aspect to think about is the style of your home. In this case, you can get inspired by the colors that have been used historically to blend with your home architecture. If you have a mid-century modern architecture, get online and search for galleries to find out what other people are doing with their properties. The idea is not to use the exact colors as other property owners, but to find inspiration.

A brilliant idea of enhancing the looks of a property through exterior painting is to use two or more colors. Apart from the color used on the main field, you can use other complementing hues for the trims and the accents. A dark central color, for instance, would be excellent for the doors, railings, casing and shutters. You can then use a lighter one to create contrast. A basic way to give the property a modern appeal is to use a monochromatic color scheme for your trims, field and accents.

The landscaping must be considered for you to make the best color choices. Based on the trees, plants and flowers surrounding your house, you can choose to make it blend with the landscape or stand out. Using a brighter or lighter color will make the house more apparent and for you to make it camouflage with the foliage around you, consider using a darker base hue.

Exterior house painting involves so much more than giving a property a fresh look. Paint also protects your structures from elements and boosts the aesthetics of your property. Irrespective of the paint colors you choose, you must not underestimate the importance of choosing quality products. Cheaper paints are easy on the wallet, although they may not deliver the kind of outcome you are after.

Using quality paints will save you time and money. A cheap paint brand will make it necessary to apply 4-5 coats for an ideal outcome to be achieved. This means that more time, labor and paint is needed and you will not have saved much. It makes better sense to simply invest in quality paint brands.

You will also enjoy long standing results. In the current markets, nothing comes for free and there are certain ingredients present in high quality paints that will not be present in economy grade ones. Cheaper paints are vulnerable to peeling, cracking and even fading faster.

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