dimanche 30 juin 2019

The Joys Of Motherhood After 40

By Henry Rogers

For many women, the ideal age to have a kid would be sometime during the late twenties or even the early thirties due to the biological clock ticking. However, there are also women who prefer not to have a child so early and opt for motherhood after 40 instead. If one is thinking about this type of setup, then here are some of the things to know.

If one is a first time mom at this age, then she will definitely have to make some adjustments to her career. Most women who are at this age are most likely already at the height of their careers because they have already worked their way up through the corporate ladders and are now at a more stable position.

Since career would be the only thing that these women have to previously think about, the adjustment will be pretty big. One will have to put her career at a total halt in order to take care of the kid. The child would most of the time require the presence of the mother, especially if the baby is being breastfed.

Of course, the good thing about having a baby at this age would be that one would have already stabilized her career. With that, she would have most likely have had her fill of work and would be ready to settle down with her husband to have that child. With regard to finances though, she would most likely already have savings combined with the income coming in from her husband which can be used for taking care of the baby.

Emotionally, a woman is more mature at this level than younger moms so the maternal instinct will be able to kick in faster and more effectively. For younger moms, the maternal instinct will kick in but the implementation is usually difficult because younger moms tend to panic more. Moms in their 40s are already steadier since they pretty much know how to handle things. Even if a baby will be something new, they can take it.

Other than just the mother, it is more likely that her partner is also more emotionally stable. Husbands who having kids at a younger age may also have a hard time handling the pressures and the stresses of having a child which may eventually spark some tension in the marriage. That is why men who are more mature become better fathers since they can handle the stresses better than younger men.

Finally, another benefit of having a baby later in life would be higher intelligence. Interestingly enough, one study links higher cognitive ability and memory to having a baby above thirty five years old. At the same time, they also link having a baby after twenty four with better problem solving skills.

As one can see, having a child after 40 is not so bad. There is some stigma due to possible health risks of the child being born at a later part of life. However, most of these can be solved if one keeps herself healthy as a whole.

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