dimanche 30 juin 2019

Tips On Filing For Uncontested Divorce OKC

By Carl Edwards

When you no longer want to be married to your spouse, you can file for dissolution of the marriage. The case does not have to go to court if there is no dispute. If you and your spouse agree that the marriage is no long tenable, you can both sign the divorce settlement agreement and go your separate ways. To file for uncontested divorce OKC residents will still need to hire a divorce lawyer to guide them through the process.

There are many things that must be decided before the petition can be filed in court. The first is how the community property is going to be split. Secondly, child custody issues must be decided. Spousal support must also be agreed on. Obviously, the grounds for the dissolution must be state clearly in the agreement. Once all these issues have been determined, the agreement can be filed with the courts.

Once the necessary paperwork have been signed, you will only need to deposit the agreement and petition in court. After a specified period, your marriage will be considered dissolved if there is no contest. If you change your mind, you can dispute the petition. In such a case, court proceedings will be held to determine all the pertinent issue.

The beauty of dissolving a marriage in this manner is that it is a far cheaper and time-saving option than traditional means. When you go to court, you will spend more on legal fees and waste a lot of time. That is why married couples that have an irredeemably damaged relationship are advised to consider this option rather than fighting it out in open court.

When searching for a suitable lawyer to help with the process, there are several key factors you have to consider. The first one is experience. You are looking for the most experienced family lawyer to advise and guide you accordingly. Secondly, you have to check the reputation of a lawyer. You want to hire a trusted, reliable and professional legal representative.

Before you decide to end your marriage, be sure to go for counseling. There are many competent therapists who can help you look past your differences and save your marriage. If you think your marriage has a chance, consider looking for a reputable therapist and go for sessions together with your partner. If this fails, you can dissolve the marriage through an uncontested divorce.

It is always a good idea to do some research on the reputation of a lawyer. This is because you are looking for a trusted and reliable lawyer to represent you. By searching the web for newspaper articles and reviews, you will be able to learn about the reputation of a divorce attorney.

While a petition may be uncontested, getting legal advise is still recommended. After all, some of the issues that you may be willing to agree on may not be great for you. Therefore, it is important you get legal counsel. This will ensure you get a fair deal, if not a great deal.

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