jeudi 18 janvier 2018

Discovering In Home Dog Training San Bernardino County CA

By Catherine Martin

When it comes to acquiring a pet, most often those interested want a puppy or kitten. While this is the case, older dogs can also make great pets. Although, when a dog can go through In Home Dog Training San Bernardino County CA, at an early an age as possible, the owners will benefit greatly. For, the younger a dog can go through this type training, the better. Otherwise, the animal might become more independent and have a hard time responding to requests by an owner, handler or trainer later in life.

For example, when children are in the home, the dog can become quite excited when playing, especially when roughhousing. As such, to keep the children and animal safe, it is important the dog can respond to commands. As such, a well trained dog is often a good pet, while one with behavior problems can often be an issue.

Sometimes it can be difficult to teach fancy tricks to a dog, though basic commands are fairly easy for a dog to learn. While there are a number of pet stores offering group sessions, dogs taught in the home often learn quicker than those taught in large groups. As with pet store classes, it is important that owners also take part in this in home training.

By having a professional come to the home, a dog learns in an environment that is often safe and comfortable. As a result, the dog often responds quicker to the various lesson plans such as learning basic commands along with leash and obedience training. When it come to leash and obedience training, it is essential that the owner work with the professional and animal to learn the proper techniques with regards to holding the leash or making requests of the animal.

In most cases, temperaments can vary wide based on breed, whether an animal as been abused in the past, environment during upbringing and other factors. As such, most professionals know who to connect with an animal on a number levels related to past and present behaviors. As such, whether training a puppy or dog in the home, it is often advised that one obtain a professional trainer to do so.

While learning basic commands is often the first part of a series, dogs can also go through leash training exercises so that the animal does not pull while going on walks. If not, the animal could very easily pull the owner or another individual down causing minor or major injuries. As such, teaching the dog how to properly walk on a leash a very important aspect of the process.

A number of professionals now advise that providing love and attention as a reward is often better than providing a dog with a treat. Whereas, it is still important that the dog receives rewards such as treats for major accomplishments. Otherwise, if the dog does not feel appreciated, it may be more difficult to get the animal to respond in the future.

When it comes to barking, it is important that a dog learn how, when and where to bark. In some cases, dogs will bark at anyone or anything just to get noticed. Whereas, those taught the proper times to bark are far better at alerting an owner if a danger is near, or scaring away those whom are not welcome. While, guests will be more comfortable when visiting when a dog is quite and well behaved.

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