dimanche 28 janvier 2018

Residential Landscaping Design Principles You Should Follow

By William Parker

In the realms of property development, landscaping plays a critical role in determining the value of a property. To a homeowner, proper landscaping adds some functional and aesthetic appeal. The good thing is that there are several ways you can beautify your home. For instance, you can improve your backyard with a pool, outdoor kitchen, and fire feature among others. Similarly, you can improve the front yard with walkways or eco-friendly gardens. Essentially, undertaking a residential landscaping project should not be difficult if you follow the right rules. Here are the top design principles that will guide you in your projects.

Top of the list is the law of significant enclosure. As the name may suggest, this is a law rather than a principle. This law ensures that people in a residential property feel enclosed. To achieve this, the horizontal space should not exceed the vertical space by more than three times.

Another principle you should put more emphasis on is following the regulating line. The element of distinctive landscaping feature or architecture such as existing property, a tree or edges of the building can generate an imaginary line. This line will help you to organize and connect your design. When you do so, it will result in a cohesive and orderly garden.

In addition to the above, the golden rectangular rule should help you to proportionately layout items within the project area. It is a rule that has been practiced for decades. It requires that the ratio of the long and short side should be proportionate. Specifically, the ratio of short to long side can be equated to the ratio of long side with regards to the sum of long and the short side is 1:1.6. So, as you lay out different features such as lawns, terraces, patios, and arbors take this rule into consideration.

Among the most important considerations that will help you in your project is sizing. Know that size matters. So, if you were to choose between a small and bigger alternative always go with the latter. Even if it seems so awkward at the moment, you will not regret it several years from today.

When it comes to plants, always start from biggest ones to the smallest. For instance, start planting trees first, then you can consider shrubs before bring in perennials, and finally the ground cover. Practically, it would be difficult to plant a big tree, which might require several gardeners or a machine. This might require some space for maneuvering, so if you had made your bed then you will definitely damage it.

Another thing to consider when planting plants is how well you mix separate species. It is more powerful to plant in masses because it is much better to have several vegetations of the same species than having a variety of mix is a small area.

Last but not least, also consider the way you plant your trees. Apply the right proportion to ensure that you do not waste your previous efforts. If you do not get it right with this one, you might be forced to start growing the vegetation again.

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