jeudi 7 juin 2018

Finding A Place With Virtual Home Staging

By John McDonald

For most of human existence, human society was made of nomadic hunter gatherers who moved from place to place to forage for food and other resources. The one constant throughout human history was humanity itself. Those people who kept on going also kept on living, in homes. Homes kept being built, bought, and sold. But while people continued, society evolved, and so did the selling of real estate. In the age of the internet came virtual home staging NYC.

Virtual home staging is when a home is staged, that is, when it is furnished, in order to make it look homier and more desirable to potential buyers. It visualizes what a home can potentially look like, what the owners can do and how they can turn a house into a space in which they can have children and grow old with a romantic partner. Staging a space can make a buyer more interested in taking the leap and making the purchase.

Staging involves the use of computers. In fact, it is done online, like almost everything else in the modern world. It used to be that a house had to be physically staged, a labor and time intensive act. But simply moving icons around on a computer proved to be easier. It used to be that in order to view a house, prospective homeowners had to the physical location of the property during designated open houses. That is no longer the case in the modern world. Now all a person has to do to see a home is to go online.

Most products never take off. A failed product can hope to make an ironic comeback, as a punch line. But the right marketing can turn even crap into gold. A low quality product can be bought by the masses if the advertising is effective enough. In the same vein, the right staging can help market even the crappiest of studio apartments.

Some cities are more desirable than others. Maybe it is because those cities are hubs for emerging industries. Maybe it is because those cities have a deep rooted history in popular culture. Whatever the case, the cities on the coast are seen as more glamorous and desirable than the inland cities.

But the desirable cities are expensive. In fact, most artistic and cultural districts tend to be fairly expensive in terms of rent and housing prices. In order to make sure that these spaces are occupied, they have to be marketed to the right clientele.

Virtual staging saves a lot of time and money. Instead of hiring a team of guys over a weekend, the work can be accomplished in a matter of hours. Really, the main costs will be the computer itself and the necessary software.

But the graphic artist needs to have a good eye. It is not enough to simply slap some imaginary furniture together. There has to be an artistic flair to it.

Human beings are astoundingly adaptable to the different kinds of environments. Human beings overcame the limitations of their bodies by using the most important organ, the brain. The ability of the brain to function at what most people assume is an advanced level is how humanity was able to live in literally every single continent on the globe. Humanity managed to bend the world to its needs by being smart, using natural resources to fashion shelters.

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