samedi 21 juillet 2018

Artisan Soap Is Good For The Skin

By Daniel Wallace

For some people, it is hard to think of something that is nice to look at as being practical. This holds especially true when an item costs slightly more than comparable products that are produced by a large corporation. Artisan soap is one of those things that tends to be misunderstood but there are many current users who wish they had made the switch sooner.

For those who are not in the know, natural soap products that come in bright colors or have dried flowers and herbs embedded are not just for show. These are not only nice to look at but smell great and some formulas can even reverse skin conditions like dryness and eczema. More people are choosing this type of soap over bath products that have heavy perfume but may contain harsh detergents.

Olive oil is a popular antioxidant that serves a number of health benefits. It has the right amount of unsaturated fats that can protect skin and hair from harsh weather conditions or any airborne elements known to cause damage. While some experts say that adding extra virgin olive oil has the greatest amount of nutrients, any soap product that uses this as the main oil can make a difference.

Coconut oil is another moisturizer that has antifungal and antibacterial properties. This oil is ideal for curing a number of minor skin issues like healing superficial wounds. It can also be used to treat eczema and psoriasis and help to fade dark marks left from acne scars and cuts. For those trying natural soap for the first time, the natural sweet scent is very light and should not be overpowering.

Many natural hygiene products contain glycerin soap first and lye is used in the cooking process but disappears shortly afterward. Once a basic soap has been created, liquefied nut butters, oils, and plant essences are added. While color may add to its visual appeal, most artisans use plant based dyes like beet juice or turmeric powder. If using fruit juice, it may be interesting to know that some, like blueberries or pomegranates, contain antioxidants.

Another advantage to buying natural is that the label of contents is easy to read. Few people know what certain chemicals do or the potential harm they may cause. Not many people want to spend time on their smartphone looking up ingredients while out shopping.

Most artisans use essential oils instead of fragrant oils for a number of reasons. While the fragrant version may be more aromatic, recommended usage of essential oil will complement the main ingredients in terms of healing. The same theory usually applies to colors as well. Using a natural food dye, like annatto or turmeric, is a safer option for a product used to treat minor skin problems. Decorations like ground vanilla beans or dried flowers can enhance smell or moisturizing properties.

Buying a gift box that includes bath salt, body wash or shampoo is a great idea, as it has a selection of items in case there is one the recipient cannot use. If gift boxes or bundles are not available, it may be worth it to negotiate a price with an independent seller. Since these items contain no preservatives, chances are likely that they will want to move as much inventory as possible while still making a profit.

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