samedi 28 juillet 2018

Examples Of Emerging Technology Risk

By Donald Graham

Companies and individuals are aware that incorporating trends in their areas is a boost to their economic activities in the sense that there is an addition of efficiency. However, there is a recent concern that has been associated with emerging technology risk by many companies in the past few years. Though it is good to implement these ideas and systems, there is a number of negative results that have been accredited to installing them by many. These are some of the negativity that have been identified by many users.

It has led to less valuation of the contribution of the human being at workplaces. The roles that were previously undertaken by individuals have now been replaced by human beings who have proved far effective as this reduces capital costs. But on the other side, this means a rise in unemployment rates which has been contributed to by these replacements done by companies.

Loss of privacy and intellectual property has been connected to increase and development of technology. Controlling personal information is relatively hard nowadays as cases of cyber insecurity have increased. Hacking has been a consistent problem which has made it hard to keep any confidential information on online platforms for many people. This has also made it hard for people to develop their creations and benefit from them as a result of theft of intellectual property.

Technology has been associated with limitation of thinking for many people as they are overdependent on it on almost every function. Individuals no longer have the time to try and use their manual skills and brains since they overly rely on these advancements to undertake any function. As a result, it has blocked any room for innovations as many feel comfortable with what is there.

Environmental pollution has also increased rampantly due to technology. One thing that has been associated with this is where individuals try to find the shortcut to many processes and items. This leads to a situation where they make a lot of wastes as their minds are already absorbed into technology without noticing the adverse effects they are causing to the environment in which they live.

A dilapidation of human relations is noted with an introduction of technology-based systems. Social media poses a threat to human interactions and so does other systems since they carry away the former physical interactions. Individuals tend to concentrate on work and other activities all the time since this has been enabled by applications and systems which are accessible from anywhere cutting human interactions.

Defense systems are some of the items that have been improved, but they have also been a source of danger, loss of life and destruction of property. Technology is behind the manufacture of items like atomic bombs and drones, and this have been used to create great havoc as compared to other traditional means of warfare. Moreover, if they fall into the wrong hands their effect is dreadful.

In conclusion, health issues like cancer have considerably developed with the introduction of these items. There is a positive side of these systems that trigger growth in the health sector where new machines and medications are introduced that help in saving human life. However, there have also been complaints where the same pieces due to elements such as radioactivity have led to severe health issues.

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