jeudi 19 juillet 2018

Not Dying Thanks To Seat Belt Monitor Systems

By Lisa Moore

Now, humankind did some outdoor living while also being transient. That means they moved from one place to another, nomads. While they were out being nomadic, they sustained themselves with hunting and gathering, as wandering around surely cost a lot of energy. Then they started coming up with ways to save energy, first by riding animals, then by having animals pull vehicles, then just the vehicles themselves. Now, these vehicles were not always safe, so they were made a little safer with seat belt monitor systems.

First of all, it needs to be discussed what a seatbelt even is. It is a long strip that goes across the body. What it does is secure a person to their seat.

Now, the thing about the human body is that it is delicate. If it flies through the air at hundreds of kilometers per hour, then it is fine. But if it suddenly stops, that is when problems arise. Now, this flight can happen when the vehicle a person is riding in is suddenly hit with a great force from a single direction. The energy will travel along the vehicle until it reaches the passengers. That same energy will then launch those passengers forward, unless of course seatbelts are worn to keep them in place.

It has to be stated that seatbelts are generally safe. Not in the sense that they will not cause bodily harm, but in the sense that they prevent bodily harm. See, people like to ride in things like cars and trucks. When these cars and trucks come to a halt, then the momentum they built up during their movement tends to slam forward, which can drive a rider forward. This is not always safe, so a seatbelt must be worn in order to be secureNow, if seatbelts are not worn, there may be legal ramifications. First of all, it is illegal to ride in a car without wearing a seatbelt in a lot of places. Now, the ramifications may not generally be greater than fines, but when the cops are involved, no chances should be taken.

But as dire as the legal consequences are, they are not the worst thing that could happen. The worst thing that could happen is death. Flying through a windshield at about eighty miles an hour is just not something that a human body was made to do, so it is something that should be avoided if possible.

A seatbelt monitoring system is exactly what is name indicates. It monitors the seat belts. Specifically, it monitors whether or not they are being used. If not, then the whole thing can give off a high pitched whine that does not stop until they are being used.

They work on pressure. When a person parks their butt on a seat, sensors within the seat will then detect that it is being used. Once it relays the information back to the main system, the noise can start until the seatbelt is enabled.

They come standard in a lot of newer models. But if a car does not have one, one can always be installed. All a person has to do is to go back to their dealership and ask for one. If not, they can always go online, find a garage in their area, and then go there.

Life is all about living. But parts of it are not great for staying alive. Which means that measures to insure safety must be taken. Those measure can come with measures of their own, just to make sure they are being used as intended. Because there some serious drawbacks if they are not, drawbacks like not being able to draw breathe anymore.

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