mardi 24 juillet 2018

What You Need To Know About The Homeowners Insurance Quote Tucson AZ Insurers Give

By Amy Graham

When you are buying a home, and getting a loan to pay for it, your lender is going to require that you adequately insure the property. This is protection for them if something happens to the house that could affect their investment. It also protects the money you have invested in the house as well. Many new homeowners don't really understand what is actually covered in a homeowners insurance quote Tucson AZ agents give them, or the ways they can save money when buying a policy.

You have a lot of options when it comes to coverage. Most people have a standard HO-3 policy that covers what your agent may refer to as open peril. This includes theft, fire, tornadoes, among other things. Your personal property is covered with this policy. It won't protect you from everything though. If your property is damaged due to an event not covered by the insurer, you'll be on your own. You can get HO-5, which is more comprehensive, and more expensive.

You should understand how much your policy will pay when you file a claim. Cash value coverage means the insurer will pay the replacement or repair cost to your property minus a deduction for any depreciation. It will only pay up to the limit of the policy. This is the least expensive coverage, and won't pay for everything.

Replacement cost coverage doesn't deduct for depreciation and is more expensive. Guaranteed or extended coverage will replace your property beyond the policy limits. There is no point in including the value of your land in your policy.

There are certain types of damage a standard policy does not cover. Tornadoes, windstorms, and hurricanes are normally covered. If you live in an earthquake prone area, you may have to add that coverage to your policy. Homeowners policies do not include flood damage. This is a separate policy altogether you need to discuss with your agent.

Good credit will get you the best rates. You might think average credit is good enough, but you may end up paying a third more than you would have if your rating had been higher. Poor credit ratings result in insurance quotes that can be a hundred percent higher than for excellent credit. You should get a report before you meet with your agent to make sure the credit bureaus have the correct information.

You should never be foolish enough to file a frivolous claim. Insurers track the claims clients make and share the information with their competitors. They keep claim records for as long as seven years. No matter the reason, if you file a claim, you an expect your premium to rise by about ten percent.

Insuring your property can be expensive, but the alternative may ruin you financially. There are ways to reduce your annual premiums. Making cost saving improvements is one. Having the right amount of coverage is another. It's important to understand your policy, and what it covers, before something unexpected happens.

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