lundi 24 juillet 2017

Adorable King Charles Spaniel Puppies For Sale Ohio

By William Rogers

If you are interested in buying a condo living dog, the kind that is only moderately active indoors and looks amazingly pretty, maybe you should take a look at beautiful King Charles spaniel puppies for sale Ohio breeders offer. You will fall in love in these lovely puppies instantly, that's for sure. Thanks to their beauty, obedience and intelligence, this is probably one of the most popular dog breeds today.

Cavalier King Charles spaniel is a small companion dog, up to 13 inches tall and the weight is usually between 13 and 18 pounds. They come in four color variations, Blenheim, with chestnut markings on pearl-white background, Tricolor, with black and tan markings on white, black and tan, with black background and tan markings, and Ruby, with solid reddish brown coats with no markings.

The coat is silky, medium long and just a little bit wavy, especially around chest, tail, legs and ears, where adults have characteristic so called feathering. Their coats should be left as they are, without trimming. Anyway, if you aren't interested in dog shows, you may shape their feet hair, just to make it easier to maintain. They prefer spending time in your lap, and it's better if you can keep them clean.

All dogs deserve to be took for a walk at least once a day. This will help them stay healthy and satisfied. Spaniels aren't really demanding dogs, but will appreciate a long walk, or spending time in your yard. In any case, they aren't really street smart, and that's why it is important to have a fenced yard, and to keep them on the leash while taking a walk in the street or even in the park.

Their maintenance is really simple. Brushing twice a week, or more often if they are shedding, will do. Bathe your dog when you think it is needed, and in the meantime, use a soft wet cloth to wipe the feet before returning to the house. If you can hear your dog's nails, it's time to clip them. Active dogs will wear them off.

Buying a dog from a respectable breeder is always a good idea, and especially if you want to buy a spaniel. They are prone to several genetic diseases, and respectable breeders will issue a certificate that your puppy is checked for these diseases. Spaniels can be prone to hip dysplasia, and this specific deformity of the hip joint doesn't have to cause pain or discomfort, and if does, it can be solved surgically.

Another thing your pet can suffer from is a dry-eye condition, known as keratoconjuctivitis sicca. Simply said, this condition causes a reduction of tears, and this can be simply solved by administering drops on regular basis. MVD, or Mitral Valve disease and SM, or Syringomyelia, are genetic diseases that should be detected and treated early.

Couch potato dogs are usually great candidates for extra weight. Average King Charles spaniel should get up to one cup of high quality dry food daily, divided into two meals, depending on the activity level. Serve the food, as well as water, in smaller diameter bowls, to avoid cleaning their long ears after every meal. These adorable dogs love children, play happily with other animals and make your life better every single day.

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