mercredi 19 juillet 2017

Soft And Comfortable Memory Foam Mattress

By Laura Cole

Memory foam was actually invented and first used by NASA during late sixties. The first version was supposed to relieve the pressure and prevent astronauts' injuries. Since that time much has changed, and new and more advanced versions of this amazing product have been invented. And here are some important things to keep in mind when choosing your ideal memory foam mattress.

The whole idea of having bed that adjusts to your moves and your body shape is really interesting, and this material is certainly really comfortable. For people having problems with arthritis or back pain this really is a great choice. It will ease their pain and make them sleep better. There are several firmness options available, and you can choose more or less soft mattresses, according to your needs.

The main characteristic of this material is its ability to adjust to the body shape and support the body on the best possible way. At the same time, once the pressure is gone, it returns to its original shape. If the density of the material is higher, it will return to its shape in less time. In fact, higher density is the characteristic of a higher quality, in this case, and also a longer life of this particular product.

This material is so comfortable thanks to the fact it adjusts to your body shape. Actually, it responds to the heat and the pressure. The only problem with the older versions was that they also kept this heat, and this was a problem for people enjoying cool sleeping. New and improved materials try to solve this problem, with more or less success.

There are several well-known new and improved materials, introducing innovative features, for example gel, open-cell structure, cooling pads, new covers or aeration holes. All these things reduced the heat retention, making these mattresses more comfortable. Which one you are going to choose depends on your personal taste, of course. Even so, higher quality is always a good choice.

Of course, there are several layers in one good quality mattress, at least two of them. Some provide firmness to the structure, some will support the body on particular areas, and some will provide softness and comfort. Most models are also available in different levels of firmness, and they can also have summer and winter side, or some specific cover materials.

The thickness is another characteristic that is important for overall quality. Four inches should be a minimum for the upper layer, anything less wouldn't be enough. In fact, there are several conditions that should be meet, density, thickness, good cover quality, aeration, support and firmness. Although, your choice should primarily depend on your personal needs and desires.

Some people prefer sleeping in soft, comfortable bed, some like it firmer, but everyone enjoys good quality sleep. You won't know when your partner change his position during night, and you won't have problems with your back pain sleeping in this supporting and comfortable bed. Most people find it really helpful, and maybe you will feel the same. Give it a try, maybe this is exactly what you've been searching for.

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