dimanche 23 juillet 2017

Do Not Let Sickness Spoil Your Jordan Vacations

By Catherine Cole

If someone says to you "Cheap holidays" what do you instantly think of? Is it a grubby 2-star apartment in the middle of nowhere or a relaxing holiday that is just what you are looking for? Anyone who has never been on a cheap holiday before might be a little concerned about booking one (especially if they have heard some of the 80s horror stories about them), but there is no need to worry. Thankfully times have changed, and so have the cheap holidays that are now on offer. With this in mind here is a beginner's guide to cheap holidays that can help you to get the Jordan vacations you want at a vastly reduced price.

In the "old days, " many employers tended not to differentiate between the various types of absence and reacted less than graciously if somebody who had been off sick put in a holiday request. "Haven't they had enough time off?" the indignant manager would ask. Those days are gone; the law recognizes that sickness absence is time off to enable an employee to recover from illness or injury which prevents them from working, whereas holiday is time off for rest, relaxation, and leisure.

It can be a great pet holiday when you take your pets away, and they don't have to be just dog holiday or cat holiday or even a cats holiday; I know a couple who take their budget away. In fact, you can take nearly any pet away, just make sure you ask the pet friendly rental company if it's OK, where you're going. It may sound obvious, but you need to make sure you can look after your pet while you are away. You know you have to look after them at home, so it should be obvious that you must look after them while you are away. However, it is easy to forget the things you might need while you are away, especially when you are used to having everything you need close to hand at home.

So have a good think before you go, what do you need on your pet holiday, you can always buy anything you have forgotten, but who needs that extra expense? Most pet-friendly rentals will insist that you have something for your pet to sleep on or in, in the case of dogs a blanket or basket. It is good to take food and water bowls, especially if your pet is used to them.

But if a person becomes unwell or injured while on holiday, perhaps abroad, there are practical issues to be considered. What kind of proof should an employer ask for, to substantiate claims of illness? How can the duration of the illness be determined for sick pay purposes? What if the employee is in a place where it is difficult to get a medical certificate? What about notification procedures? Normally, an employer will expect a telephone call on the first day of sickness; is it reasonable to ask for a call from an employee who is on holiday? What if they are in a remote location with no mobile phone reception?

Set a budget for the amount that you are looking to spend on your bargain holidays and stick to it. If you go way over budget, your bargain holiday might not work out to be as cheap as you had originally planned.

If you don't find anything suitable at first, keep trying. Cheap holidays become available at a moment's notice, and sometimes you have to keep looking to find the best holiday deal for you. Remember that cheap holidays give you the same as a full price holiday and no one knows that you got your holiday cheaper than they did - unless you want to tell them that is!

Look after your pet-friendly rental home, make sure that your pet doesn't cause any damage. You will certainly be charged for any damage you pet causes, increasing your pet-friendly holiday costs, but more importantly, we don't want to put holiday owners off providing pet friendly holidays, or there will become less available for us to us.

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