lundi 31 juillet 2017

Facts About The Acutonics Healing System

By Laura White

Some medical conditions occur not because there is a pathogen in our systems, but because something in our minds is unbalanced. To cure or control an ailment like this, physicians may prescribe medication or some exercises. If you want to try something different you can try using an acutonics healing system. However, before you choose this option, you should do your homework to determine whether it is right for you.

Most ancient sound healing systems, acutonics included, are borrowed from the oriental culture. This particular method makes use of tuning forks, which are calibrated following the orbital properties of our solar system. The tuning forks are then placed along acupressure points or sometimes close to the ear, to deliver the vibration deep into the body.

Because the procedure is non-invasive, the side effects are almost non-existent, and you do not have to worry about any internal damage. Additionally, considering that these methods are ancient, they have been tried and tested, to ensure that the sound waves emitted by the tuning forks do not affect your auditory canals negatively. Some healers also like to include gongs and singing bowls to intensify the effect.

Most people understand little about chakras and acupressure points, but you shall find many individuals who can attest to feeling better after going for acutonics healing. The simplest explanation you will find is that since all matter vibrates, the sound waves emitted by the tuning forks help to keep our vibrations in synch. Alternatively, the relaxation accompanies with the sound also Help the body to release stress hormones and endorphins which suppress pain.

Before you go for any treatment, you are advised to ensure that the person administering the treatment is an expert. With acutonics, you will only be able to gauge this from their work experience. This is because there is no actual certification for the method. The longer a person has been in business, the more cases they have handled. This means they have the hands-on experience, needed to give you satisfying results.

Although acutonics has been around for many years, it is only just getting popular. Additionally, there is no official list of the diseases and conditions for which it can be used. Therefore, if your doctor does not approve of you going off your medicines, the consider listening to them. This is important because although sound healing will restore your mind and body, it will not rid your body of the illness.

Sound healing has been used a lot in recent years although most people may have been doing it unintentionally. Listening to white noise, like ocean waves or wind rustling calms you down, then you will enjoy an acutonics session. The vibrations for the tuning forks have been used widely to alleviate stress and anxiety and their related conditions.

Each healer will have different rates per session. Their rates in most cases will depend on how long you need the procedure to last, your particular ailment and also their experience. You should avoid anyone whose rates are too low or high because they are most likely just trying to rip you off.

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