mardi 25 juillet 2017

Pros And Cons Of Short Term Volunteer Immersions

By Laura King

Some people want to volunteer but does not have enough money and time to go in another place and commit their service there. Spending six months is usually needed for you to learn the language, build relationships and work towards goals that are sustainable. This is difficult to achieve if you are a working or studying individual who wants to make an impact and have a great experience.

Programs are luckily available where your limited time can be spent with impoverished people living in another culture and help them. This popular short term volunteer immersions are perfect for busy individuals that wants their free days given to others they want to help. But some disadvantages must be avoided which might inevitably happen.

Traveling somewhere that has a different timezone usually make you feel jetlag or have disruptive sleeping patterns, headaches and disorientation. Your body could usually adjust in at least a week but that may be all the time that you got of being there so fight through the symptoms. And community members would warm up to your presence usually when you almost finish your job.

This means teaching works and other similar ones that require building connection with others in being effective is inadvisable for programs like this. Being sick during this time will mean your days will be spent in recovering instead which is a waste. Your opportunities to laze around to observe the environment and local culture are very small and you will feel rush due to this.

These disadvantages could be avoided if you will plan your trip accordingly and choose a program that fits your desires best. Building school or house projects are preferable since you can accomplish them within a short time. That is why helping an organization with long term goals amidst the changing volunteers is better.

Choose somewhere nearer and within a similar timezone so you can avoid being jetlagged and some money on plane tickets. Research ahead about the place like their language, history and culture rather than just reading the given materials by the organization. Doing so will help adjust with the people easily and quickly make them feel comfortable with you.

Spend more days, when possible, than the scheduled one on your program by leaving later or arriving earlier than intended. This would help prepare yourself about the place and their culture and rest some more before you work starts. You could use this opportunity in traveling to other places nearby instead of using your volunteering days for this purpose.

Make a strategy to fight exhaustion, jetlag, and illness by adjusting your pattern of sleeping before making the trip. Remember to properly rest on your first nights and have your body adjust and be capable to endure more. Use your extra time with the locals and build relationship instead of idling around only.

You may get a mixture of emotions when first arriving such as being delighted, confused, disoriented and strange. Spend some minutes to quietly meditate in the evening and record the details of ever observations you have. Be positive and recognize your limitations but still do the best you can within the limited days given.

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