mercredi 17 janvier 2018

Importance Of Taking Fava Beans

By Brenda Cox

These are among the most ancient cultivated plant in the world and very easy to grow. They are often grown as cover crops since they are leguminous plants thus they can fix nitrogen in the soil. Fava beans, unlike other leguminous beans, can withstand harsh climatic conditions such as cold, high salinity among others.

Harvesting them when they are still young and consuming them at such time gives an opportunity to eat their leaves. The pods that have not fully grown can also be eaten as a potherb. They are prepared by removing the grains from their pods and boiling them to remove their outer coat. One can choose to have them fried and salted to develop a crunchy seeds or nuts.

They have immense health benefits to humans as they are rich in plant protein and vitamins such as vitamin k and B6 which are essential for growth and development of humans. It also contains substances such as folic acid which enhances the metabolic activities of the body leading to high energy production. They also play a role in the proper function of the immune system and blood.

The diet of a pregnant woman, the grains should be the primary source of protein and other nutritional elements as they are associated with the reduction in defects during birth. Folic acid helps to reduce these mistakes in combination with other essential items. It is usually recommended that they are consumed during first weeks of pregnancy to enhance the proper development of the foetus.

Horse beans are also rich in manganese which helps in increasing the mass of the bone. Manganese is also essential in reducing calcium deficiency in the body thus leading to the formation of strong bones. This can be used to prevent a disease such as osteoporosis if consumed with other beneficial elements such as zinc and copper.

Magnesium, an element known to eradicate the risks of cardiac diseases is also found in broad grains. Many people depend on the food supplements as a source of magnesium since the body cannot produce enough of it. Thus through these grains, one can have them in sufficient amount. They reduce the blood pressure thus cause the decrease in risks of heart attacks. This activity is enhanced mostly when consumed with other supplements such as vegetables and fruits.

Asides that, they are also known to boost the immune system to fight diseases. Copper in broad grains maintains the health of the blood cells. They enhance the activities of white blood cells by acting as free radicle scavengers thus preventing tumor and cancer cells formation. The body cannot produce enough copper on its own to help in these activities but can be supplemented with food. They have been associated with the control of other diseases such as the Parkinson disease.

With all these benefits, broad grain has adverse effects. Some people have a specific genetic deficiency that prevents them from eating these beans while others under specific medication cannot eat these seeds. Some suffer favism which results in hemolytic anemia as the blood cells are being destroyed at a higher rate than the rate of their formation. This is as a result of the genetic disorder which may leave a consumer predisposed to this disease.

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