samedi 13 janvier 2018

Relief With Homeopathic Cold Remedies

By Jason Graham

Do you want a safe, natural alternative to chemical cold formulas? Homeopathic cold remedies are time-tested, having been used by hundreds of millions of people since their introduction in the late 1800s. They contain minute amounts of natural substances, diluted in a special way to retain potency while being so reduced that there is no toxicity whatsoever. Their popularity testifies to their efficacy.

Many don't realize that homeopathy is regulated by the FDA, unlike many other 'dietary supplements'. Although this does not reassure those who know the harmful effects of many products that have been allowed by this government agency, it may reassure those who like oversight. Homeopathy is not new; it was the most-used medicine in the US before the advent of penicillin and the rise of other drugs. It is based on the theory that 'like cures like'. For example, cutting up an onion causes your eyes to water and your nose to run, but taking the onion-based remedy 'allium' relieves those symptoms.

The 'science' of homeopathy calls for a single remedy to cure everything that ails a person. The diagnosis requires the skilled intervention of a trained homeopath. However, many use the lower potencies on a symptom-related basis. A tablet of Arnica montana, a widely-used remedy, contains a minute amount of the herb diluted in milk sugar. Although the herb itself in each pellet is not discernible under a microscope, millions of athletes and 'weekend warriors' use this remedy for muscle soreness or bruising.

Finally, the practitioners and manufacturers of homeopathic remedies truly follow the principle of 'do no harm' while treating a patient. The remedies in an over-the-counter potency are safe for everyone to use. They are even effective for animals, which refutes the 'placebo effect' criticism of many scoffers.

Some basic remedies are made with minerals found in human tissue. These are even used for young children, and many are great for colds and the annoying symptoms caused by viruses. Ferr phos is one that subdues a fever without suppressing it entirely, thereby allowing the fever to accomplish its natural purpose of fighting infection. It is also nutritive, building the blood and providing a safe form of iron. The tissue salts - 12 remedies in this category - are sold in a low potency termed 6X.

Tissue salts come in 6X, a low potency dose. Nat mur helps regulate water and is helpful for runny noses and eyes. Kali phos 6X is often used for coughs, relieving even the croup in many cases. Ferr phos and Silica are considered nutritive as well, helping build up the body and the immune system. Silica is good for those who suffer from allergies.

Almost every pharmacy and grocery store now has some homeopathic cold formulas on their shelves. There are formulas for infants on up to senior citizens. Homeopathy comes in tablets, called 'pellets' in the trade, in liquids, and in lozenges. Another part of the philosophy of this branch of medicine is that a minute amount of a substance, properly prepared, is more potent than a large amount in bringing about recovery.

Homeopathy deserves a place in every family medicine cabinet. It is safe, effective, and affordable. Go online to learn more about this kind of therapy for life's minor ills. You may find that you need far fewer doctor's visits and find satisfaction in caring for your family - and yourself - in a natural way. People have been doing so for over a century with homeopathy.

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