dimanche 22 octobre 2017

A Fast Guide To Getting A Fake Suntan

By Haywood Hunter

With the growing trend of health awareness, more and more people have begun stopping habits that may destroy their bodies. One of the most common habits that have been decreasing a lot lately is sunbathing. Many sunbathers have actually switched to getting a fake suntan so that they can avoid the harmful effects that too much sunlight produces.

These days, many people have come up with products or services that allow one to tan himself without going under the sun. Getting a fake suntan is actually much safer as compared to getting a real one because there is no risk of being exposed to ultraviolet or UV rays. So for frequent sunbathers who want an alternative, here are some tips on how to have a good fake suntan.

Of course salons are known to provide this type of service to willing costumers. They would usually charge based on which body part will be tanned and how dark the tan will be. They usually use a technique called airbrushing where in they use a special type of spray that contains a certain substance that will turn the skin into a nice shade of bronze.

If the prices of the salons are way too expensive, then it is also possible to get the fake suntan at home. The first step would be to get a bottle of self tanner and some moisturizer. After that, she must just put a few drops of the tanner into the moisturizer and apply it all over her face and neck.

After the face and neck are done, it is time to concentrate on the rest of the body. Before continuing with the fake suntan process, take a bath with some body scrub to exfoliate the skin and shave of any body hair that can be seen. When that is done, the self tanner can then be applied on all the other body parts that are to be tanned.

For the people who do not like to use manufactured products, there is still a way to get the fake suntan with natural products. The most popular way would be to boil some tea with some sesame oil inside. Once the concoction is fully boiled and hot, it can be applied on the body. Because of the natural darkening effects of tea, the body will be able to absorb the contents and eventually gain a darker tone.

Undoubtedly, there will be times where in one will be making mistakes while doing the fake suntan. When this happens, do not fret because it it not something that cannot be cured. If the tan ended up too dark, then one way would be to apply some toothpaste on the skin or some lotion so that it will revert back to the original color.

So basically, those are some ways on how to get a fake suntan. Getting a fake suntan is definitely better than frying under the sun because the latter may actually cause skin cancer. So if one would want to avoid getting skin cancer, then do not stay out in the sun for too long.

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