jeudi 19 octobre 2017

Make Sure You Get Discount Tanning Lotion

By Haywood Hunter

There are many types of discount tanning lotion out there. Finding the right one for you is more simple than it seems. Ask yourself what you want to achieve and how you'd like your tan to look. There are many options out there for those who want a light tan and those who want to be much darker.

The discount tanning lotion often comes in two main varieties. There is one that is popular and used on tanning beds or booths and the other which can be used outdoors which is for people who want to sit outside in the sun to get their tan. Either way both of these discount lotions will help the user to get a tan faster than if they weren't to use anything at all.

There is also a type of fake discount tanning lotion, these do not require the tanner to be in the sun or to go onto a tanning bed. They stain skin either in a temporary or gradual semi-permanent fashion. For those who are sensitive to the sun or cannot use tanning beds this is a wonderful alternative for them. It also reduces risk for people who may burn easily in the sun.

For those who wish to tan naturally but have this process sped up they will use a discount tanning lotion. These lotions work by helping the UV rays work faster on the skin. The discount tanning lotion will also moisturize the skin, by doing this it helps the skin to react faster to the tanning as well as keeping it smooth.

There are special essential oils in many types of discount tanning lotion. These oils not only help to speed up the tan but they stop the skin from drying out. Dried out skin will not tan as well as skin that is soft. This is because the top layer of tanned skin cells will rub away exposing lesser tanned skin underneath. This in turn can delay the length of your tan.

Some indoor tan products will also have pigments already in the discount tanning lotion. These types of lotions are known as bronzers. Some bronzers have agents in them that instantly make the skin darker. Some other types will have a longer acting bronzed effect that takes up to an hour to develop. These bronzers give for a more even overall discount tan.

A discount tanning lotion is vital for those who want to look after their skin. Some may think that they're harmful but this is not the case. They result in less frequent tan sessions and less time in the presence of UV rays.

The discount tanning lotion has been around since the sixties when people wanted a more healthy and fashionable look. Back then the things they used would often make the skin look bright yellow or orange. These days the modern discount tanning lotion has advanced much more. The new lotion now helps to create a more natural golden or brown look of sun kissed skin just as if someone may have been on the beach on vacation.

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