mardi 24 octobre 2017

Key Facts To Consider When Looking For The Best Sun Tanning Cream

By Haywood Hunter

Buying the best sun tanning cream does not have to be a long and gruesome process. Thanks to the internet, you can read reviews of the different products. Even so, thanks to the availability of a wide gamut of products to choose from, rest assured you will find the right cream that will give you your desired natural dark tan. Here is how to go about finding the perfect self tanner product.

Start off by knowing the kind of cream that you want, based on your tanning history. For a first timer, your best bet would be to invest in a base tanner with a high sun protection factor (SPF). The SPF acts to ensure no burning takes place when you are new to tanning. If on the other hand you have ever tanned before but discovered your skin does not respond to tanning as fast as you would want to, the best sun tanning cream is one for difficult-to-tan skin.

The second important consideration when deciding on right cream will be to determine whether the tanning will take place with or without the sun or ultraviolet light. If you do not plan on going outside or using a UV-free tanning bed, your best bet would be to use bronzer tans. The best sun tanning cream in such a case can be either cosmetic or natural.

The best sun tanning cream that are natural come laden with ingredients such as riboflavin. This is a key ingredient that gives the skin a temporary color, and always washes off easily when taking a bath. On the flip side of the coin are cosmetic bronzers which come laden with various chemicals, top among them dihydroxyacetone, or simply DHA. This ingredient combines with the proteins found in the upper skin layers to create the deep tan color.

You can bet that with the right cosmetic tanner, you will get a longer-lasting dark tan that you have always dreamt of. When you are looking to blend an existing tan, or darken it a little bit, rest assured the perfect tanner will work perfectly for you.

You also have to know about melanocytes when in the market for the best sun tanning cream. These are cells present in the skin and which help with the production of melanin. Melanin is a chemical compound of the skin that gives it its natural tone. The best sun tanning cream has amino acids and vitamins that will help with the production of melanocytes, thus boosting melanin in the process and giving you the tan that you deserve.

Accelerators and intensifiers should be your best bet when in search of the best sun tanning cream that will help with the production of melanin. Melanin works perfectly in light, meaning these accelerators and intensifiers will supplement an already existing natural tan from the sun.

By and large, you should know the market has the best sun tanning cream for you. Most people have ended up with the wrong choice because they are always spoilt for choice when it comes to the best sun tanning cream. The internet, however, should be your starting point. Read through online reviews to know what fellow consumers are saying about tanning products and you are sure to find the best sun tanning cream.

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