dimanche 29 octobre 2017

How To Promote Sunless Tanning Lotion

By Haywood Hunter

The current market is overflowing with many tanning options to choose from. The choice however can be hard to make if one lacks proper information about tanners. One must have information about ingredients in products, skin types, and application procedures to make right choices. This writing contains information one can apply to select the right sunless tanning lotion.

The first thing one should know is skin type. Human skins fall under three major types, though each type has several sub-divisions. The skin types are medium or olive, dark, and fair. Fair skins should not be subjected to tanning beds or sun rays because they burn. Medium skins tan elegantly without burning in sun while dark skins do not burn or get tanned either. They experience minimum color change in sun.

Tanning products fall under five main groups, that is, tingle, bronzers, moisturizers, facial tanners, and accelerators. Each group of products needs varied time frames to give different results. Although they may all attain similar outcomes, the working varies may vary a lot. Skin type should be the consideration when choosing a product because ingredients and their level of concentration differs in various products.

The concentration of a lotion is measured according to the amount of DHA and erythulose it contains. DHA and erythulose are the ones that cause tanning and are the key active ingredients in most lotions. They do this by reacting with amino acid in dead epidermal cells. Low concentration products should be the choice for fair-skinned people because high concentrations also cause burning.

Lotions that contain moisturizers keep the skin smooth and moist. Moisturizers are important additives because moisture eases and accelerates tanning in skin. There are two kinds of bronzers, which are both very important. One is gradual while the other one is immediate. In immediate bronzers skin darkening effect happens immediately the substance gets applied whereas in gradual bronzers time must be given for the tan to develop. The urgency with which one needs the tan should determined the choice between gradual and immediate bronzers.

The tingle is a feared additive, but it gives very elegant results if applied in the right way. First, it causes a sense of irritation causing the body to turn red. The feeling can be very uncomfortable, but it lasts for a few hours and a nice tan is built. Tingle is recommended for people who are just getting started with tanning. It builds the initial tan that should then be maintained by applying other tanners frequently.

Beginners should also consider accelerators. Maximizers and accelerators that are made from aloe formulas help in improving ability of skin to heal and also decrease the rate of aging in skin. Tan formation is also boosted. All products have the ingredients they are made of written on the container.

The effect caused by tanners fades away with time because dead epidermal cells slough off daily. The effect of tans only happens in the outermost skin layer and is lost when cells that form the layer slough off. To keep the tan fresh, one has to reapply the lotion frequently.

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